
Reform the Scandal-Prone Kosher Meat Industry? Let’s Get Real.

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Here we go again. Two years after Israeli animal-rights investigators filmed shocking abuses of chickens and turkeys at the Soglowek kosher-meat plant, equally egregious practices were caught on film again this summer. In a well-intentioned op-ed published in Ha’aretz on July 16, rabbinical student Ayalon Eliach observed that “the gulf between the purpose of keeping […]


When the Famous Rabbi Met the Frightened Calf

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If you have ever heard of the Talmud, chances are the mere mention of the word causes your eyes to glaze over. Most people think of it as a vast compendium of hair-splitting arguments about arcane issues in Jewish law. And they would be mostly right. However, amid all the details and debates are some […]


Your Tax Dollars at Work — Starving, Torturing and Killing Animals

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The Beet-Eating Heeb is back after a long layoff, tan and well-rested. OK, purple and over-worked. So what provoked BEH to start writing again? This: That is a link to the most damning, most disturbing, most important animal-related investigative story you will read this year. Yes, BEH knows it’s only January. But this is […]


What Is the Blessing over Meat?

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The Beet-Eating Heeb was asked recently if there is a Jewish blessing for kale. Yes, there is, and it’s the same blessing we recite for all vegetables: That translates as: Blessed are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, who creates the fruit of the ground. You might be wondering, then, what is the […]