
Planet Green and Veganism

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Perhaps my rants are becoming arduous, but I like to critique things and find out how something, say a television show or a network, relates or could relate to veganism.On Planet Green I’ve noticed that very few programs talk about veganism or even veg…


The Meaning of Strict

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Today I was listening to Emril Lagasse’s Emril Green, a green cooking show on Planet Green.  Because it’s simply background noise as I sit here typing, communing and working, I miss a lot of what’s happening.  But in the episode I was listeni…


Celebrating Compassion Gala ’08

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To raise funds for Mercy For Animals vegans and animal lovers everywhere are invited to the Celebrate Compassion Gala ’08. Here is what is going to happen there, which looks like it will be a lot of fun:Treat yourself to an inspiring evening filled wi…


Cabbage Sabzi (Cabbage Curry)

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This is a wonderful dish, and despite the dried chilies, it’s not too hot.  But if you don’t like really spicy food, then cut back the chilies to 1 or 1 1/2.Unfortunately, I don’t have a picture of it, but if you make it, you’ll see that it turns …