
Health Summit for Health Professionals at VegfestUK Vegan Festival London Olympia

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As part of the continuing efforts to Vegducate as many people as possible about the vegan solutions to avoidable world problems that threaten our planet VegfestUK is now hosting a Health Summit for Health Professionals at London Olympia on Saturday 10th October.

Sadly there are still many health professionals that are unaware of the evidence based science that supports the solution of a healthier balanced plant based diet to common health problems and the vegan diets suitability for all age groups.

Harley Street nutritional therapist Yvonne Bishop-Weston reveals “I am frequently contacted by mothers at their wits end because of pressure put upon them by Doctors to start eating meat and cheese and feed animal products to their children, like there is some magical ingredient that can only be found in meat and dairy. It reveals a lack of understanding about basic nutrition and the nutrients found in food”

“Yes a person may fair better on a diet higher in protein, may have some health condition that requires extra omega 3 EPA and DHA, or vitamin B12 or vitamin D3 or probiotics but there are now excellent plant based versions of all of these nutritional tools.”

Earlier this year The Vegan Society reached a historic agreement with The British Dietetic Association. The Vegan Society and The British Dietetic Association have agreed to collaborate to bring  reliable plant based nutrition information to every community in the UK.

Tony Bishop-Weston, executive consultant Vegan Chef and Author of The Vegan Cookbook,  has helped VegfestUK bring together some leading lights in Nutrition and Dietetics to provide a line up of distinguished speakers to provide evidence based science that backs up the argument for vegan solutions to the scourge of avoidable self inflicted health problems we face.

Chef says “For too long many health professionals, GP’s, midwives, dietitians, nutritionists, health workers have written off plant based diets as unnatural and exclusionary. This may be partly because of the way vegan diets were better known for what wasn’t vegan, what they didn’t eat rather than what vegans do eat – messages were full of negative messages, not this, don’t eat that, no no no rather than yes yes yes and motivational provocative messages focused on delicious and dynamic vegan solutions. That’s all changed. Bookshops are awash with beautiful vegan cookbooks with deliciously inspiring vegan recipes. The supermarkets now sell edible melting vegan cheese, vegan sausages, dairy free ice cream in fact everything from plant based caviar to vegan haggis.”

Speakers at The VegfestUK Health Summit for Health Professionals include

Professor Thomas Sanders  Professor of Nutrition & Dietetics Kings College London who will be talking about his CRESSIDA study and it’s relevance to those on vegan diets

Prof Tom Sanders Professor of Nutrition Kings College London

Dr Emma Derbyshire, PhD, is a registered public health nutritionist government adviser on nutrition and diet matters and award-winning nutrition and health writer. 

Dr Emma Derbyshire Nutritionist
Sandra Hood RD – A specialist dietician for the NHS Sandra runs education sessions on diabetes for patients and health professionals. Sandra is author of ‘Feeding your Vegan Baby with Confidence’ published by The Vegan Society and has had numerous articles published in magazines. She worked closely with Plamil Foods to produce Infant Case Histories to prove the efficacy and benefits of a plant food based diet for infants. Sandra is currently working on nutrition material for the Vegan Society and BDA collaboration. She will be joined by Nutritional Therapist Yvonne Bishop-Weston
Sandra Hood registered Dietitian
Dr Nina Bailey -BSc Hons, MSc, PhD, ANutr: Nutrition Scientist – Head of Clinical Nutrition Igennus Healthcare Nutrition – Dr Nina Bailey is a leading expert in marine fatty acids and their role in health and disease. Dr Bailey holds a master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition and received her doctorate from Cambridge University and is a published scientist,  regularly featured in national health publications.
Dr Nina Bailey Nutrition Scientist
Mikkel Jungersen – Scientific Advisor in Scientific Affairs at Chr. Hansen’s Health & Nutrition Division where he is responsible for scientific issues for Chr. Hansen’s probiotics
Mikkel Jungeresen – Scientific Advisor
 Other speakers include Paul Appleby from the Oxford University/European EPIC Study, Dr Tushar Mehta from Toronto, motivational expert Brian Jacobs and yoga guru talking about and demonstrating yoga as a tool to alleviate some of the effects of stress.

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Health, Diet and Nutrition News

Brighton MP Caroline Lucas to open Vegfest UK

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Eco Woman, voted most Ethical Politician Caroline Lucas MP to open Brighton Vegfest

Caroline Lucas MP has been voted the UK’s most ethical politician in 2007, 2009 and 2010 by readers of the Observer, in 2008 was judged one of the Guardian’s top “eco-heroes”, received Red magazine’s Woman of the Year Award 2010 in the ethical/eco category and is in the Environment Agency’s Top 100 Eco-Heroes of all time.

….. and she’s opening Vegfest UK in Brighton !!

Caroline Lucas MP – to open Brighton Vegfest

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Health, Diet and Nutrition News

New Lyrics for Feed The World – Do They Know It’s Christmas at All

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Over 6 Billion Farm Animals will Die This Christmas

Weapons of Mass Destruction
Whilst not wanting to diminish the fantastic efforts of the Band Aid musicians and pop stars for their efforts to reduce the suffering of people in West Africa suffering with Ebola ( Go buy the BandAid30 track if you haven’t already), and I agree with Bob Geldof, a disease that prohibits you from comforting and touching loved ones is most abhorrant, meanwhile billions of other Earthlings’ lives face torture and death unnecessarily, every Christmas, every year, every month, every week, every day, every hour, every minute, every second.

Every year it’s estimated 56 billion farm animals (that’s not even including all marine life e.g. smoked salmon  prawns, dolphins and whales) are tortured and killed just for fun. Just for our culinary entertainment, just to ammuse our tastebuds, just because we are too lazy and set in our ways to find vegan alternatives that taste just as good, are usually healthier , undoubtably have far less detrimental impact on the planet are fairer and just as nutritious.

Do the animals know it’s Christmas ? No! So here are some new vegan / vegetarian lyrics to the Feed the World Christmas song to highlight that there are billions of lives of animals who don’t know that it’s Christmas time at all and it’s business as usual for the people with the electric prods and stun guns and bolt guns and knives and saws sloshing about in a sea of blood.

Feed the World 

(more healthily and more sustainably and more ethically)

It’s Christmas time – if you’re an animal you should be afraid
At Christmas time – 5 billion will die,  for the food that’s made
Yet in our world of plenty – we could spread a smile of joy
If we ate, like herbivores
At Christmas time

So say a prayer – pray for ‘the other ones’
At Christmas time – s’ not that hard , you can still have fun

There’s a world outside your window – and it’s a world of dread and hate
If you’re not a pet they’ll kill you – and you could end up on a plate
And the Christmas bells that ring there – are the clanging chimes of doom
Well tonight ‘thank God it’s them instead of you’ ( ?)

There’s No peace and joy this Christmas time in Burger King
Nor MaccyD’s or KFC or Pret….. woah
Where all Santa brings is fear
It’s the same thing every year
How can they know it’s Christmas time at all?

What to do?
Change your diet everyone!
Save the world
And the children yet to come!
Let them know it’s Christmas after all

Feed the world – Change your plan for dinner time
Save the world – Change your plans for dinner time
Heal the world – Let them know it’s Christmas time again

Vegan Parody, Meme – Lyrics by Bob Geldof, Midge Ure BandAid30 and Tony Bishop-Weston
Free Video coming soon – watch this space

New law on parody by the European Copyright Directive October 1st 2014 allows parody for humour and / or mockery as long as it isn’t offensive i.e. Racist

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