
Curry-Glazed Carrot Tofu Tacos

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Imagine a pocket of nutty, toothsome wholegrain bread stuffed with a sweet-sour-salty-spicy mixture of velvety tofu and crisp carrots. Topped with a colorful salsa. All of it stuffed in your mouth. Good, right? It doesn’t really take a whole lot of imagination to get just how incredible these Curry-Glazed Carrot Tofu Tacos are. And, like everything…

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Tuscan White Bean Stew With Sun Dried Tomatoes

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I went to the doctor’s the other day for my annual physical: something I hate to do and perhaps don’t do often enough, certainly not annually. My doctor, a great guy otherwise, is —  not unlike many doctors — absolutely uneducated on nutrition. In the past, making concessions for my veganism (a lifestyle he thoroughly disapproves…

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The post Tuscan White Bean Stew With Sun Dried Tomatoes appeared first on Holy Cow! Vegan Recipes.