
Viennese Whirls

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The Great British Bakeoff is back and all is well with the world. I had never heard of these biscuits/cookies before I saw them them in episode 2, but I knew immediately that I wanted to try them. What a bonus that the recipe is so easily veganized. I tried a version will all vegan butter but it did not come out as well as this version. I made a bunch of raspberry jelly this summer from our own berries, and it was absolutely perfect for this recipe. Use whatever jam you like, or check out the original recipe and make your own.

– 6 oz soft vegetable shortening
– 3 oz soft vegan butter
– 1¾ oz icing sugar
– 8 oz all purpose flour
– 1 oz corn starch
– large pinch of salt
– pinch of turmeric (optional)

Buttercream Filling
– 3½ oz soft vegetable shortening
– 7 oz icing sugar
– ½ tsp vanilla extract

– raspberry jam

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Move two racks to the centre positions. 
1. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper. Use a 2″ round cutter as a guide to draw 12 circles on each sheet of paper. Turn the paper over so the pencil marks are underneath.
2. With an electric hand mixer, beat the shortening, vegan butter, and icing sugar until pale and fluffy.
3. Add flour, corn starch, salt, and turmeric (if using) and mix well with a wooden spoon, until smooth.
4. Transfer mixture into a piping bag fitted with a medium star nozzle. Pipe 24 swirled rounds (not rosettes), inside the circles on the baking sheets.
5. Bake both trays for 6 minutes, then rotate pans (and switch racks) and bake for another 6-8 mins, until they are a pale golden-brown. Cool on the baking sheets for 5 minutes then carefully transfer to a wire rack.

Buttercream Filling
1. Beat all ingredients with an electric hand mixer until light and smooth. Transfer to a piping bag fitted with a large star nozzle.

Spoon jam onto the flat side of 12 of the biscuits. Pipe the buttercream over the jam and sandwich with the remaining biscuits. Dust with icing sugar to finish.


Pretzel Buns

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With the new school year ready to start in just over two weeks, it’s time to get serious about baking for lunches. Of course, with two weeks of summer still left why not bake something that can also  help you get the most out of the waning BBQ sea…


Blended Mocha Iced Coffee

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Just a quick post to help beat the summer (spring?) heat. A good blender is a great investment, especially when you can churn out tasty drinks like this that aren’t cheap at your local coffee place (and are really mostly ice anyway). Add whatever you w…


Umami Burgers

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These burgers came about from trying to use up the cans of chickpeas in my fridge from making batch after batch of Lemon Meringue Tarts. I first turned to my three go to sources of umami: tomatoes, soy sauce, and mushrooms. For texture, I used barley (like my Tourtière recipe). The end result is a durable (i.e. grillable) and non-mushy burger with plenty of flavour. These burgers freeze well (just thaw them before grilling) and when cooked keep well in the fridge. They taste good cold, or microwaved a few days later. The kids love them for lunch so I grill them up on Sunday and they take them to school throughout the week.

Makes 12 burgers
– 1/2 cup pot barley, cooked (in veggie broth or beer) until soft (about 30 mins), cooled
– 1/4 cup olive oil
– 1 large onion, diced
– 2 cloves garlic, minced
– 1 celery rib, minced
– 3 cups chopped cremini mushrooms (about 8 oz/227g)
– 1 can chickpeas, drained
– 1/4 cup tomato paste
– 2 tbsp light soy sauce
– 1 tbsp Montreal Steak Spice, ground
– 1 tsp smoked paprika
– 1 tsp chili powder
– 1 tsp ground coriander
– 1/4 cup nutritional yeast
– 1/2 cup instant oatmeal
– 1/4 cup flour
– 1/4 cup instant tapioca
– 1 cup fresh bread crumbs (i.e. day old bread ground up in a food processor)
– seasoned salt and black pepper to taste

1. Cook the barley until tender, drain, then set aside to cool in a large bowl.
2. Heat olive oil in a large frying pan over medium heat. Sauté onion, garlic, and celery for 5-7 mins, until soft and onion is translucent.
3. Add mushrooms to the pan and cook for about 5 mins, until mushrooms have released their water and have cooked down a little.
4. Remove from heat and add to the barley. Mix well.
5. Pulse the chickpeas in a food processor. Be careful not to make them into a paste.
6. Add the pulsed chickpeas to the bowl, along with the tomato paste, soy sauce, spices, nutritional yeast, oatmeal, flour, and tapioca. Use a wooden spoon to mix well.
7. Add the fresh bread crumbs and mix well. Season to taste.
8. Let the mixture rest for 5 minutes.
9. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Using a silicone spatula, press the mixture into a crumpet ring (or what have you) to make 12 burgers on the prepared baking sheet.
10. The burgers are more durable when they are cool. Slide the baking sheet into the freezer while you fire up the grill.
11. Grill on a med to med-lo grill (around 400-425 degrees) for about 5 mins per side (so keep the heat moderate so the outside does not burn before the inside cooks). Brush the grill and the burgers with oil to keep them from sticking. The burgers should be firm to the touch and not mushy when they are done.


Umami Burgers

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These burgers came about from trying to use up the cans of chickpeas in my fridge from making batch after batch of Lemon Meringue Tarts. I first turned to my three go to sources of umami: tomatoes, soy sauce, and mushrooms. For texture, I used barley (like my Tourtière recipe). The end result is a durable (i.e. grillable) and non-mushy burger with plenty of flavour. These burgers freeze well (just thaw them before grilling) and when cooked keep well in the fridge. They taste good cold, or microwaved a few days later. The kids love them for lunch so I grill them up on Sunday and they take them to school throughout the week.

Makes 12 burgers
– 1/2 cup pot barley, cooked (in veggie broth or beer) until soft (about 30 mins), cooled
– 1/4 olive oil
– 1 large onion, diced
– 2 cloves garlic, minced
– 1 celery rib, minced
– 3 cups chopped cremini mushrooms (about 8 oz/227g)
– 1 can chickpeas, drained
– 1/4 cup tomato paste
– 2 tbsp light soy sauce
– 1 tbsp Montreal Steak Spice, ground
– 1 tsp smoked paprika
– 1 tsp chili powder
– 1 tsp ground coriander
– 1/4 cup nutritional yeast
– 1/2 cup instant oatmeal
– 1/4 cup flour
– 1/4 cup instant tapioca
– 1 cup fresh bread crumbs (i.e. day old bread ground up in a food processor)
– seasoned salt and black pepper to taste

1. Cook the barley until tender, drain, then set aside to cool in a large bowl.
2. Heat olive oil in a large frying pan over medium heat. Sauté onion, garlic, and celery for 5-7 mins, until soft and onion is translucent.
3. Add mushrooms to the pan and cook for about 5 mins, until mushrooms have released their water and have cooked down a little.
4. Remove from heat and add to the barley. Mix well.
5. Pulse the chickpeas in a food processor. Be careful not to make them into a paste.
6. Add the pulsed chickpeas to the bowl, along with the tomato paste, soy sauce, spices, nutritional yeast, oatmeal, flour, and tapioca. Use a wooden spoon to mix well.
7. Add the fresh bread crumbs and mix well. Season to taste.
8. Let the mixture rest for 5 minutes.
9. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Using a silicone spatula, press the mixture into a crumpet ring (or what have you) to make 12 burgers on the prepared baking sheet.
10. The burgers are more durable when they are cool. Slide the baking sheet into the freezer while you fire up the grill.
11. Grill on a med to med-lo grill (around 400-425 degrees) for about 5 mins per side (so keep the heat moderate so the outside does not burn before the inside cooks). Brush the grill and the burgers with oil to keep them from sticking. The burgers should be firm to the touch and not mushy when they are done.