
Why Vegans Have Better Blood

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Why Vegans Have Better Blood: A plant-based diet can lower your blood pressure, according to research released today in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association. The meta-analysis confirmed a very promising health benefit of being a…


Vegan Diets Can Reverse Heart Disease

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Vegan Diets Can Reverse Heart Disease :

February is American Heart Month and a good time to remember that heart health should be a focus all year long.

The American Heart Association recommends limiting cholesterol intake to less than 300 milligrams per day, less than 200 milligrams per day if your LDL cholesterol is over 100 mg/dL or if you have heart disease.

How much cholesterol do foods have? One egg yolk: 212 milligrams, 31/2 ounces shrimp: 194 milligrams, 31/2 ounce chicken without skin: 85 milligrams, 1 ounce cheddar cheese: 30 milligrams.

Plant foods contain no cholesterol.


Vegan Diets Can Reverse Heart Disease

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Vegan Diets Can Reverse Heart Disease : February is American Heart Month and a good time to remember that heart health should be a focus all year long.
The American Heart Association recommends limiting cholesterol intake to less than 300 milligrams pe…


Go For The Gold By Grabbing The Greens

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Go For The Gold By Grabbing The Greens:

Canadian figure skater Meagan Duhamel’s plant-based diet has helped her make it all the way to the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics. With low-fat, high-fiber foods as her fuel, Meagan’s been staying strong through the grueling training and long competitions. While some Olympic athletes were waiting for their contraband Chobani to arrive, Meagan breezed right past them to snag a silver medal last week.