
Passion & Practicality: A Recipe For Business Success

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Written by Vegan Mainstream

If you’ve ever uttered the phrase, “I love what I do, but I’m exhausted,” this article is for you. I’ve been there. I feel your pain! But I want you to know that you can get past this. This doesn’t have to be the way you exist in your business forever. In fact, you know …

Passion & Practicality: A Recipe For Business Success Read More »

The post Passion & Practicality: A Recipe For Business Success first appeared on Vegan Mainstream and is written by Vegan Mainstream.


Structure vs Flexibility: Finding Your Best Mix

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Written by Vegan Mainstream

Whenever I am around people who have never been their own boss or run their own business I often get comments like, “It must be great to be your own boss and do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it,” or “I’d love to work in my pajamas all day!” And …

Structure vs Flexibility: Finding Your Best Mix Read More »

The post Structure vs Flexibility: Finding Your Best Mix first appeared on Vegan Mainstream and is written by Vegan Mainstream.


Being Kind to Yourself: A Successful Business Starts With Self-Love

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Written by Vegan Mainstream

Do you ever find yourself pushing through a day in your business with a smile on your face knowing that just below the surface there’s turmoil brewing? If you do, you’re not alone. I see this time and again, and in fact I have experienced it myself. This “chronic turmoil” is often the result of …

Being Kind to Yourself: A Successful Business Starts With Self-Love Read More »

The post Being Kind to Yourself: A Successful Business Starts With Self-Love first appeared on Vegan Mainstream and is written by Vegan Mainstream.


Is “Yes I Can” Hurting You?

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Written by Vegan Mainstream

Have you ever felt the pressure that success can bring? I’ve been extremely fortunate in experiencing some significant growth spurts in my business over the time I have been operating Vegan Mainstream. But it’s funny how a little bit (or a lot!) of pressure can encourage the revival of bad habits and decisions. I have …

Is “Yes I Can” Hurting You? Read More »

The post Is “Yes I Can” Hurting You? first appeared on Vegan Mainstream and is written by Vegan Mainstream.


Digging Yourself Out Of A Business Rut

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Written by Vegan Mainstream

As a small business owner there are many pitfalls that await you. There are countless ruts along the road to success that can threaten to drag you down and impede your progress. But if you’re aware and have some strategies in place to deal with them BEFORE they happen, it’s more likely that they will …

Digging Yourself Out Of A Business Rut Read More »

The post Digging Yourself Out Of A Business Rut first appeared on Vegan Mainstream and is written by Vegan Mainstream.