
Is a vegan diet healthy?

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People sometimes express concern about whether or not a vegan diet is healthy. It has now been studied over many decades and the consensus is overwhelming: a vegan diet can not only be healthful for most people, but can also reduce the risk of some of the most dreaded diseases such as cardiovascular disease and […]

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What is veganism?

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Veganism Veganism is an attitude and a way of life which rejects the exploitation of and harm to animals (human and nonhuman). Vegans, those who practice veganism, avoid consuming products, services, and activities that are the result of the exploitation of or intentional harm to sentient beings (both human and nonhuman animals) as far as […]

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Introduction to speciesism

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 by Sarah Albonesi  WHAT IS SPECIESISM?  The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines speciesism as “prejudice or discrimination based on species; especially discrimination against animals,” or “the assumption of human superiority on which speciesism is based.” In other words, just as sexism is discrimination against someone of a different sex, and racism is discrimination against someone of a […]

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Glossary of common terms used in animal ethics and animal rights

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Note about glossary definitions: Many of the terms in this glossary are defined differently in different contexts. The definitions given here are the ones that are used in ethics and/or in animal rights. anthropocentrism the attitude that human interests are more important than those of other sentient beings arbitrary based on a characteristic or relationship […]

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