
Going vegan: where to start

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Being vegan means not consuming animal products or participating in the exploitation of animals in other ways. That includes foods derived from animals, clothing made from their skin or hair such as leather, fur and wool, and entertainment that uses animals such as zoos, circuses and marine parks.  Changing your diet can seem daunting at […]

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Stocking your vegan pantry

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 by Evan Berry For many people, the biggest challenge of transitioning to veganism is learning what to eat after removing animal products from their diet. It can be difficult to know which foods to buy and what to do with them. Fortunately, there is a wide variety of delicious food for vegans to choose from. […]

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Richard Ryder on Speciesism

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“In 1970, I coined the term ‘speciesism’ to describe the prejudice against other species, and to draw the analogy with other prejudices like racism and sexism. The point I was trying to make is that we are all related. All species are related biologically and through evolution. And instead of treating the other species like […]

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