
A Bunny Cafe is coming to Melbourne! Let’s all move to Australia!

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(Photo courtesy of Bunny Cafe’s Facebook page and SOMEBUNNY please help me not make a thousand rabbit-related puns in this post…)

Melbourne, Australia seems to be growing into a haven of vegan cafes and businesses, so it only makes sense that some folks there are trying to open the continent’s first bunny cafe to benefit a local, no-kill rabbit shelter, Rabbit Run-Away Orphanage. There will be furry ones wandering around the cafe, while people enjoy their morning espresso and they will educate patrons on proper rabbit care. What a hare-raising idea! (Whatever you do, definitely watch the IndieGoGo video! SO MUCH FURRY CUTENESS!)

There will be coffee, vegan and vegetarian fare and BUNS galore in their cafe! And if this crowdfunding campaign goes well, they will have so much bunny-themed stuff (decor, cups, even food) in the cafe, it’ll be HOPPIN’! 

So, please hop on over to their Facebook page and tell all your friends about it! (Sorrynotsorry, I tried with the bun puns.)


Tell Neiman Marcus to stop advertising real animal fur as “faux”

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Photo of Bella & Bink, courtesy of LA Rabbit Foundation (they’re up for adoption!)

In a petition filed with the FTC, The Humane Society of America presents evidence that Neiman Marcus has continued to sell real fur as “faux,” even after the FTC ordered them to stop in 2013.  

You can view their petition, and the investigation report, which includes images of the items and labels (aka they’re calling out what brands are mislabeled!). They’ve also created a guide to telling real and faux fur apart. 

According to HSUS, president, Wayne Pacelle, on their blog,

It’s clear to us that strong enforcement is needed. We’ve shown, via investigations, forensic testing, and other means, that concerned consumers are being misled by companies that use animal fur and mislabel their products, again and again, without serious reprimand or punishment.

American consumers are still being duped into buying animal fur—it continues to be a widespread problem as evidenced by a Dec. 2014 Today Show Rossen Reports investigation. The FTC is empowered to impose penalties of up to $5,000 and a year in jail for Fur Products Labeling Act violations, and $16,000 for consent order violations, and it can start cracking down on Neiman Marcus and the many other companies we’ve caught violating the law.

Let your friends and family know that just because something is labeled “faux fur,” doesn’t necessarily mean it is.  (And someone please adopt those adorable rabbits!)


This is how we roll: Cinnaholic Announces 8 new locations in the US!

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Behold the “Butterscotch Marshmallow Chip” special from April 12th. 

As a former citizen of Berkeley, CA, I’m extra excited to hear the news that Cinnaholic will have 8 new franchise locations within the next couple of months. The award-winning bakery specializes in nothing but custom gourmet and vegan cinnamon rolls, and was featured on the ABC reality show “Shark Tank,” less than a year ago. Might I venture to say that they’re “on a roll?” 

The news revealed that owners Shannon and Florian Radke partnered with a franchise group to take their vegan rolls nationwide. Locations include Santa Rosa, California, South Lake, Texas, Ocean City, Maryland, Charlotte, North Carolina and 4 more undisclosed locations in Maryland and Delaware. I would complain about them not opening in LA, but I have faith that one of my fellow Angelenos won’t let that be the case for too long! (Get on this, people!!)

I vividly remember my first visit to Cinnaholic, which included drooling over their 30 different frosting flavors (!!!) and a variety of different toppings. It’s always a stop when I visit the Bay Area and my omni friends love it, too. It provokes the tired old omni question, “Wow, is this really vegan?” Believe me people, it is and it’s amazing!  I can’t wait to see this awesome little business “roll” across America (so, sue me, I love puns almost as much as dessert)! 

For more information, visit


$2 Brunch at Tony’s Darts Away this weekend!

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We at VS have a special place in our hearts for Tony’s Darts Away. Remember that time they partnered with the Beagle Freedom Project and we had The Vegansaurus Dog?!?!? (It was DELISH!)

We’re so excited they’re debuting new brunch menus, and this weekend they’re doing TWO BUCK BRUNCH!

Here’s the new menu: 

Darts Away Burrito
Scrambled Tofu, Daiya Cheese, Spicy Soyrizo, Avocado, Potatoes, & Roasted Garlic, Served with Chips & Salsa – $9 

Scrambled Tofu, Dayia Cheese, Spicy Chili, Tomato Salsa, Tortilla Chips,  Avocado & Cilantro – $8 

Mediterranean Hash (not available for $2 brunch)
Artichoke Hearts, Hearts of Palm, Sun Dried Tomatoes, Garbanzo Beans, Potatoes, Garlic & Mint Salsa Verde  -$10

Steel Cut Oats
Local Green Apples or Bananas & Cinnamon, Maple Glaze -$6

Kids Menu (guests 12 and under)
Steel Cut Oats -$3 
Burbank Breakfast -$3 


I have tasted these chilaquiles and they are legit good!

Tony’s Darts Away is located at 1710 West Magnolia Boulevard in Burbank.


Let’s help the first DOG CAFE open in LA!!

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You guys, I love dogs. Anyone who follows me on Instagram is probably painfully aware of this (#peteverydog) and I don’t care because dogs rule and are the best ever. 

SOOOOO, you can imagine my excitement when I heard that there is an amazing woman here in LA (WHERE I LIVE!) who wants to open a dog cafe that will help local dogs from shelters get adopted!!!(!!!) Or, you can just go play with them and drink coffee!! 

The Dog Cafe from Sarah Wolfgang on Vimeo.

The genius behind this dream cafe is Sarah Wolfgang, who has been an advocate for pooches since she started volunteering at shelters as a teenager in South Korea. 

There’s a Dog Cafe “Pup-Up” (get it?!) January 22nd-25th from 10am-7pm, downtown at 838 S. Los Angeles Street. A food truck will be serving Grounds & Hounds Coffee from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. daily. You can pay $20 for a reserved spot and a cup of joe, or $15 at the door for first-come, first-served entry (coffee not included in door sales). You can play with the dogs from shelter Wags and Walks, take photos with dogs via the Pup-Up’s PHOTO STATION and can look into adoption if you and your new furry BFF fall in love. You may also bring your own dogs to meet potential new friends!!! 

So, go hang out and support this awesome idea and if you can’t, give all your money to her IndieGoGo campaign!