
Los Angeles vegans, come to Sharon Palmer’s Plant-Powered for Life book launch at Real Food Daily!

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Delicious vegan food (a free tasting menu!), lively discussion between Plant-Powered for Life author Sharon Palmer and Real Food Daily owner Ann Gentry, and a raffle—anything else on a Wednesday night would be snoozeville in comparison. All this goodness happens Wednesday, July 16 (that’s tomorrow), from 6 to 8 p.m. at Real Food Daily in Pasadena.

RSVP to the Facebook event page or to and invite all your friends! See you there!


Strongest Hearts: vegan athletes do exist and they are amazing!

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I don’t know about you, but as someone who likes to pretend to be an athlete (AKA slow and gasping for air, but keeps on trudging), I’m insanely inspired by super-active vegans! Sooo, I want to see more of them in awesome videos!! Plus, how tired are you of the myth that vegans can’t be physically powerful if they want to be? Let’s show the world that it is just that: a myth! Enter Strongest Hearts, a web series that focuses on vegan athletes. Strongest Hearts films these awesome athletes doing some pretty darn impressive stuff with their bodies… powered by the power of Greyskull! Okay, kidding, powered by plants (duh)!! 

Hosted by Registered Dietitian (and bike-obsessed) Matt Ruscigno, R.D. and shot by Whale Wars (amongst many other things) filmmaker (and hockey fanatic), Sasha PerryStrongest Hearts has a few awesome episodes under their belt but they want to make more—because there are so many more stories to tell! Just watch the damn video they made, people, it’s so much better than any words I could stick together. Then donate what you can so us vegans can be super-inspired/inspiring, and maybe get some omni-athletes to see they could be vegan and still do what they love. DO IT TO IT! 


LA: Come to The Lusty Vegan pop-up this Thursday in Venice!

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Remember when we told you that Chef Ayinde Howell was trying to open a food truck here in our great city? Well, now’s your chance to eat some of his scrumptious food!! AND, his co-author of The Lusty Vegan cookbook and relationship manifesto (out October 14th), Zoe Eisenberg, will be there as well! Let me assure you that the food at this event will knock your wool-free socks off. I was one of the recipe testers for this cookbook and was incredibly impressed with everything I tested. I have also been to an event catered by Chef Ayinde and the man is a culinary sorcerer! Plus, look at the menu: 

Balsamic & Truffle Mac & Yease
Citrus & Salt Pickled Fennel Salad
Hearts of Baltimore Crab Cake with Garlic Dill Aioli
Fillet De Soy with Blood Orange and Napa Cabbage Slaw
Fresh Biscuit Strawberry Shortcake with Vanilla Ice Cream


Buy your tickets! Then, RSVP (very limited seating) on Facebook. And enjoy stuffing your face with delicious foods!! 


Veggie Prom West (aka LA knows how to party!) PLUS $10 off for Vegansaurs!

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Following in the footsteps of the successful NYC Veggie Prom, it’s time for the west coast to get in on the fun! The 2014 beneficiaries are The Gentle Barn, and the Animal Advocacy Museum. There will be music, dancing, complimentary vegan food and drinks, prom photos, prom court (vote here!), flash mobs portraying iconic prom scenes (Hand Jive from Grease, anyone?!), and raffle prizes donated by vegan companies (like Phoney Baloney’s and The Tree Kisser apparel). So, basically, there’s NO excuse not to come! 

The event is 21+ and will be held at the Animal Advocacy Museum in Woodland Hills, California on June 28th from 7pm-12am

USE THE CODE “VEGANSAURUS” TO GET $10 OFF YOUR TICKET! (Good for one week from today.) Tickets are $55 ($65 at the door, if they’re not sold out). This ticket price includes complementary hors d’voeuvres and unlimited spiked (or unspiked) punch, samples of Hint Water, two raffle tickets, and more shall be revealed! 

Whether you hated your prom, skipped (or missed) it, or had the time of your life, you can have a whole new prom experience of vegan awesomeness! 

Here’s a little throwback to mine (from way back in 1999):  

I think I went to the actual dance for all of 15 minutes. The remainder of the night (and well into the next morning) consisted of dinner at my favorite vegan-friendly restaurant (I still love you, Harmony Cafe!!!), cheap beer (thank you prom date’s mom!), a hotel room with a hot tub, a “chaperone” (my, then, 19-year-old cousin who passed out early while the rest of us got wasted in said hot tub), and a major make out session (#noregrets). Needless to say, it was a fun night (miraculous, considering my original prom date bailed on me the week before because he reunited with his girlfriend). Upon reflection, it sounds kind of like a tamer version of The Hangover. 

Regardless, bring a date, come with a group of friends, or fly solo to this kick ass event!!!! (GO BUY TICKETS NOW!


Even in flat shoes, I was towering over my date. (For the record, he was my buddy, and wasn’t the guy I had the make out session with.)