
The Make-Ahead Vegan Cookbook: Review + Breakfast Burrito Recipe!

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What’s it called when you do something now because it’ll pay off later? I think it’s called The Make Ahead Vegan Cookbook, which I will now review for you, our faithful readers! Who wrote this book? Ginny Kay McKean did, and inside she packed 125 freezer-friendly recipes, with full-page color photos to accompany each!

I only have so much willpower to go around, so I try to be wise about how I use it up. Some I budget for doing laundry before three loads pile up and some I set aside for taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work. I think the rest is miscellaneous. Anyway, what’s wiser than making food for yourself and freezing it for later? As in, you don’t eat immediately (!). Freezing freshly cooked food makes me feel a bit like a squirrel prepping for winter. Arf, arf! Arf is the sound my brain imagines squirrels should make. Arf!


I made a few recipes from this cookbook and, for the most part, ate them immediately (surprise!), but I can see how it would be nice to freeze them. Maybe if I were anticipating an extra busy week and were able to plan ahead. But how can I make Balsamic Roasted Broccoli and not gobble it up ASAP? 


And please don’t ask me to pace myself with the Onion Soup Spectacular, which is like a vegan version of French onion soup, but with a lovely mustard flavor. I also failed to freeze the Wild Rice Blend and Mushroom Casserole. Gotta love those mushies. Any mushie fans out there?


I did make the breakfast burritos and freeze those. They were so handy to take with me to work on days when I was running a bit late. I’m not quite sure what made them breakfast burritos as opposed to burrito-burritos… could it have been the nooch? They didn’t have any scramble or other breakfast-associated foods in them. But I’ll eat anything for breakfast, don’t worry about me! My favorite savory breakfast of years past was leftover bok choy and vegan chicken nuggets from Coco Lin in Bushwick. I ate them on my building’s roof deck with fresh coffee, before anyone else along the L line had even woken up for the day.


Oh! I also made the Apple Pie Crescent Triangles and popped most of those in the freezer. That wasn’t such a tough challenge, since the recipe made close to a million triangles (16). They were pretty tasty, but I felt like I was cheating by using store-bought crescent roll dough, which the recipe calls for. I might make them again someday but with homemade dough.

All in all, this is a nifty cookbook. It’s well organized, easy to skim and read, and the recipes are a cinch to follow. Plus the photos are pretty nice, though I am curious why so many photos feature a yellow-tinted beverage in the background. Beer? Apple juice? Other? Why? Perhaps we’re not meant to know.


Classic Breakfast Burritos
Printed with permission from The Countryman Press

Yield: 10 burritos | Active Time: 15 minutes | Cook Time: 30 minutes | Total Time: 45 minutes

1 (14.5-ounce) can vegan refried beans
¼ cup nutritional yeast
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 red bell pepper, diced
1 green bell pepper, diced
1 yellow onion, diced small
16 ounces cremini mushrooms
10 vegan whole wheat tortillas
1 cup of your favorite salsa, for serving

Place the refried beans in a small bowl and mix to incorporate the oils from the can. Add the nutritional yeast and stir well.

Heat the oil in a 10-inch skillet over medium-high heat. Add the bell peppers and sauté for 5 minutes. Add the onion and cook for 10 more minutes. Remove the mixture from the pan. Add the mushrooms and cook for 10 to 15 minutes, or until they shrink by about one-quarter of their size. Remove from the heat.

Now, to assemble the burritos. Lay out your tortillas on a counter. Spread a little less than ¼ cup of the refried bean mixture down the center of each tortilla. Evenly divide the bell pepper mixture down the center of the beans. Distribute the mushrooms evenly over the last layer.

Roll up each tortilla nice and tight. Heat two burritos at a time in the microwave on high power for a little over a minute: 45 seconds on one side, then roll over and switch positions for 30 seconds on the other side.

Serve with salsa on the side.

Storing in the refrigerator:
Place the burritos into a large resealable plastic bag and keep in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.

Wrap each burrito individually in plastic wrap so that you can pull out one or two at a time for a quick breakfast. Place the wrapped burritos in one large freezer bag. Freeze for up to 4 months.

Unwrap a burrito from its plastic wrap. Place on a microwave-safe plate, let defrost for 4 minutes, then microwave immediately on high power for 15 seconds on one side. Roll the burrito over and cook for 15 seconds on the other side. You can also defrost them in the refrigerator overnight and then microwave as described.

Full Disclosure: I was sent this cookbook free from the publishing company for review, however, all of the opinions stated above are my own.

This was a guest post by Reina Pohl! She lives in D.C., where she does the majority of her cooking, baking, and eating. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter.


Animal News You Can Use: Mainstream Gets Hip to Plant-Based Eats!

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Whoa, what a week for the mainstreaming of plant-based options! Ben & Jerry’s announced its first four dairy-free flavors while Hellmann’s launched its first egg-free, vegan mayo. It’s the humane economy at work!

And what a week for hens, too! Sonic Drive-In, Carl’s Jr. and Hardees, PF Chang’s, and Starwood Hotels, all announced 100{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} cage-free policies—as did Canada’s two largest restaurant companies (Tim Horton’s and Cara).

Ever wonder who’s the Wonder Woman spearheading HSUS’s meat reduction efforts? Check out the Oakland Tribune’s profile on Kristie Middleton this week. (And Kristie’s coworker Katie Scott was just named one of Connecticut magazine’s 40 Under 40!)

Who do you think is gonna lose the big game this weekend? My prediction (and it’s not what you think) is in this new piece on the Super Bowl.

Paul Shapiro
Vice President, Farm Animal Protection
The Humane Society of the United States

Follow at

P.S. Video of the week: This one may be the cutest video I’ve seen—seriously.

P.P.S. Most speakers for the awesome Taking Action for Animals conference (in DC June 17-20) have now been announced—register today! It’d be awesome to see you there.


Vaute Sample Sale in Brooklyn THIS WEEKEND!

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Omg you guys the first ever Vaute sample sale starts tomorrow!


Up to 75{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} off close out of limited sizes from past collections + samples including select…
– Dresses
– Button Downs
– Tees
– Sweatshirts
& more!

Friday Febuary 5th – Sunday Febuary 7th
Noon thru 8 PM 
35 Meadow St, Suite 101, Brooklyn, NY 11206

So omg you might finally get that coat you thought they sold out of OR something cray you’ve never even seen!!!!


5 Valentine’s Gifts for your Vegan Sweetie!

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Before we start, I must remind you that if you don’t have a Valentine, BIG DEAL YOU STILL DESERVE TREATS! At least that’s how I’ve chosen to live my life. That’s why I DEF ordered #1 in this list already *nail polish emoji*

Now, into the list!


1. Vegan Treats Fatally Yours Chocolate Box
I got this last year and it’s out of control. I don’t even know what to compare it to. I ordered it again this year and I’m so excited! I’m gonna share with my whole office because I’m so nice to these jerks. I mean, it’s v expensive and they totally don’t deserve it but, you know me, such a sweetheart. 

2. LaRitzy Vegan Beauty Box Subscription
If you’re looking for a non-food treat, this is a great option for your sweetie! Laura is getting these beauty boxes and has discovered tons of new products she’s obsessed with! Such a delightful treat for the person in your life who loves to get fancy!


3. Coracao Confections Aphrodisiac Collection
Want some yummy and healthy chocolate for your Valentine? Then my friend this is the collection for you! It’s low-glycemic and gluten-free and it’s got all kinds of stuff: Raspberry Fudge Hearts, Caramel Cups, Raw Fudge Truffles, Maca Almond Butter Cups, Baby Bar, Cacao Boulders, Goji Nib Hearts and a jar of Love Potion. Hubba hubba!


4. Obsessive Confection Disorder Rose Petal Caramels
Well, Obsessive Confection Disorder has gone all out this year. These are Rose Petal Caramels with Bittersweet Chocolate and 23-carat gold…RIGHT? Idk what happens when you eat gold but I’m not scared. Ok I am. But I don’t let my fears hold me back! Ok I do. But not this time!


5. Lagusta’s Luscious Blood Orange Heart
As usual, Lagusta’s has something unusual. This heart is DEAD PURDY! And any sweetie in your life would love. 

Those are our picks! What other options you guys thinking about??? 


Purple Carrot: Yummy vegan recipes and ingredients delivered to your door!

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Hi guys! Purple Carrot is a vegan service like Blue Apron, where they deliver recipes and pre-measured ingredients to make the recipes! BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE! All the recipes are by our favorite vegan-friendly omnivore, Mark Bittman!!! When I heard that, I knew I had to try it. So I tried two weeks of Purple Carrot, free for review (I skipped a week in the middle so this might not look like your menu if you’ve already signed up). 

Let’s just get right into it with pros and cons. 

-Easy sign up and delivery
-Meals are healthy–it’s an easy way to eat healthier
-Pre-measured so you can cook without the prep
-All the veggies were nice and fresh, quality I’d pick myself
-Great for trying new recipes you never even thought about
-Exposes you to new foods you might not try on your own
-You can cancel online
-Easily skip a week
-90{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} of meals are super yummy
-2 person plan is more than enough for 2 people (usually closer to 3.5 meals)
-You can also get the 2 meals a week for 4 people plan
-Don’t need any out of the ordinary kitchen tools
-All recipes are designed to take less than 45 mins
-Packaging is made from post-consumer waste and recyclable
-Comes packed with non-toxic ice packs and biodegradable liners
-I felt so proud of my finished creations!!!

-It’s all environmentally friendly but there’s still a lot of packaging
-Depending on where you live, you can’t pick the delivery day
-I think some recipes took longer than 45 mins
-I wouldn’t recommend for brand new cooks, you need basic cooking skills
-I think it’s more expensive than cooking on your own

Now, let’s take a closer look. The stuff comes in a big box like this:


The ingredients to each recipe are separated out and pre-measured like this:


Now, the sexy part: the recipes!


This first recipe I tried was actually by Mario Batali instead of Bittman, so that was an exciting surprise. It was DELICIOUS. It’s hard to see but if you look by the spoon, there’s actually a big hunk of bread under the soup! Bread soup! And yes, like my last pro says, I felt very proud when I was done cooking đŸ™‚


Katsudon with Pickled Pea Salad and Tamari Cream
Those patty looking things are roasted and breaded celery root. I don’t like celery so I’ve never actually tried celery root…and I had never planned to. WELL GOOD THING I DID. This dish was AMAZING. Like, by far the best thing I’ve cooked in like 10 years. This was my favorite dish from the 2 weeks, hands down. I’m def going to make this again. I can’t stop thinking about it!


Red Lentil Stew with Cranberries (and Parsnip Spears!)
Tbh this was the only meal I didn’t really like. Well, except the parsnip spears! Those were delicious and super easy to make. But there was a slight issue in the recipe, it didn’t say to cover the quinoa and I’ve never made quinoa (don’t judge me) so I didn’t know. It ended up all crunchy. And I just didn’t really like the lentils with cranberries either. Can’t win ‘em all I guess.


Shakshuka with Tofu Dumplings over Kasha
All the recipes have a little intro with some background, which I liked. This is apparently a North African dish that’s now associated with Israel. Instead of an egg, Bittman subs in some poached tofu! This was pretty good. I don’t *actually* know how to use my broiler so I didn’t poach the tofu that well but it was still good. Kasha is a bit weird though, no? Oh and this recipe had some hot peppers in it but the recipe said to use as much or as little as you like–so if you are like me and don’t like spicy food, you will be ok, they help you customize the spice level. 


Catalan Vegetable Stew with Crisp Fideos
This was a funny looking recipe that was actually really good! The Fideos are toasted pieces of pasta–can you believe? Like I mentioned, all these meals are meant for two people but really there was enough for three. So I actually brought the ingredients to my brother’s and made this for him and his wife and me, and there was still some left over. They liked it a lot! If you let the fideos sit in the broth, they soften; but they were kinda nice crunchy too. Again, like many of these recipes, I would never have tried this recipe! I’m so glad I did. Oh and my sis-in-law has had Blue Apron before and she was like, “this is WAY better–in a whole different class.” And she’s not even veeg!


Mu shu Seitan with Homemade Hot Mustard
This was very yummy, and again, a meal I never would have made on my own. The seitan was Upton’s Naturals too! The mustard was SUPER hot though so I only used a little on my second one haha. 

So that has been my Purple Carrot experience so far. And guess what, I signed up for the service last night! Like, with my own money. I’m so excited! The food was great, and really so many recipes I never would have tried on my own but then I really liked them. And like I said, I was so proud each time! And that was a sentiment I saw on Instagram a lot, people were so proud of their Purple Carrot creations. Also, THAT KATSUDON THO. 

OH AND: They are having a special, use promo code FRESH25 to get $25 off your first order. YAAAAY!