
Celebrate watermelon season with The Gnarly Whale!

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Hello pals! Happy summer! So, vegan brand The Gnarly Whale just came out with a watermelon-scented line and they gave me some products to try. They sent the Hair Detangler, Body Spray, Beach Waves, and lip balm–all watermelon. 


Now, I’ll tell you something: I DO NOT like eating watermelon! It’s like watery tissue paper with seeds! (Can I get a witness?? Am I the only one???) BUT I do like watermelon scented stuff. And come on, everyone knows watermelon is the best Jolly Rancher flavor. Do I lie? Nope. So all that is to say, I was v happy to try their new watermelon stuff. 

I previously reviewed their products, so you can read about the individual items in that post. But everything seems to work just as well as the previous products I tried, but now they smell like watermelon! The scent is really strong, and smells like the watermelon bubblegum I used to chew as a child (though omg my nutso mom wouldn’t let me chew it around her, the smell gave her a headache she would say. Typical Judy “Over-Dramatic” Rascal, amirite?). But as I found in my previous Gnarly Whale trial, the scent seems super strong at first but definitely dissipates. 

If you like watermelon, you should def treat yourself to one of these. I like the detangler best I’d say. Cause I get tangles, man. Serious tangles. 


Cute animal overload: Woodstock Farm Sanctuary Grand Re-Opening sneak peek!

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Did you guys know that Woodstock Farm Sanctuary just moved? And they are having a FREE grand re-opening party on Sept. 5th! It’s gonna be CRAY. Like, the best party of the year. Cinnamon Snail, Monk’s Meats and Yeah Dawg are all gonna be there selling yummy vegan food! There’ll be music and snacks and fun and best of all: ADORBS RESCUED ANIMALS!!!!!

So as my friend Jess just started working there, she invited me up to get a sneak peek of the new digs and meet all the animals. Basically, MY DREAM COME TRUE. Now, let me take you on a photographic journey of all the amazingness so you can get hyped for the party.


The place is beautiful. This gazebo over looking the water greets you by the entrance. That’s my dear sister Cally enjoying a nice seat. 


This is “the manor” that will eventually be the accommodations for visitors to stay over night. Not until like 2016 or so, but how picturesque, amirite?! 


Now, here’s the barn! This is the big event space. So cute, yes? Hint: YES.


Ok so the first animals I met were these hilar ducks! They were gabbing away to each other like, “who’s this weird chick taking pictures of us ew I hate her let’s go over here maybe she won’t follow oh man here she comes again.” 

And as many of you know, all the animals at Woodstock Farm Sanctuary are rescued from various bad situations. And as I found out, the sanctuary has a policy of not accepting animals that were bought as a means to rescue them, because this obviously supports the farm animal industry. So all these animals were either seized or people just begged farmers to let them go. These guys here would have probably been peking duck I was told, and some were even being raised for foie gras!!! So sad. But now they are happy little chatterboxes. And their pond in the new space is WAY bigger than their old one. They seemed v pleased.  


This is Fred. He turned out to be my best friend. We met him with the ducks, that’s his crew (all the roosters have their own crews) because he gets in fights with the other roosters. That Fred! Such a rascal. Anyway, I met him with the ducks and he was shy about coming out of his house. But then I pet him a bit and he was v sweet. BUT THEN LATER! We were all the way at the other end of his enclosure, like hundreds of feet, and he came running over to see us! I’m not even kidding. He was so interested and wanted to hang. That Fred! *heart eyes emoji*


This is Kellan. He’s a cool dude. He would have been sold for cheap goat meat because him and his lady friends had a very common, treatable illness. But why spend money to treat an animal if they are just a commodity right? Smh. 


Now these pretty ladies were all destined to be chicken dinners. They are plump girls and have to be on special diets because chickens used for meat have been bred to grow so big, their bodies can’t really support their weight. And did you know chicks of this type are full grown at 2 months? That’s when they would have been killed. These girls are all around 4 years old! 


These girls are slimmer, they were rescued from a life in battery cages as egg-laying hens. They told me at the sanctuary that a typical hen will lay about 60 eggs a year, but egg laying hens like these ladies lay about 360 a year! This totally depletes their bodies’ resources. The sanctuary actually collects their eggs and makes a mash, shell and all, with other nutrients and feeds it back to the girls so they can be healthy. They also collect the eggs so they don’t get any surprise chicks. This way they they have space and resources to rescue more girls who are suffering in the egg industry. 


This is Pierre! A handsome and proud rooster. He’s no Fred but I like him. 


But most importantly of all, I MET LEXI!!!!!! She’s the newest piglet at the sanctuary. You can read her whole story here, but basically she was going to be designer bacon or something when a culinary student rescued her and brought her to the sanctuary. She is just THE SWEETEST little baby. She was hanging out with the teenage goats including Kellan. But she was running around so funny! And her tail was wagging and she was basically just the cutest thing in the world. Look at her pink boots! Above you can see we finally got her to stand still for a minute, she’s totally smiling for the picture!


This is when she flipped her food bowl over and couldn’t figure out how to flip it back. Spoiler: This tactic didn’t work. 


This is an older goat, Samuel. Check out those bedroom eyes!


And this is the famous Fawn! Fawn had injured both her front legs as a baby and didn’t get proper treatment, so she was actually walking around on her poor front knees! But Woodstock took her to the vet and they fitted her with braces and now look at her, she’s walking around like a champ!


And finally, we met the big cows. OMG THEY ARE SO BIG. We didn’t even go in and pet them because Cally was like so scared. Ok I may have been scared too. I mean, they are HUGE. But they seem sweet. This is Dylan, he was rescued from a veal farm. Can you believe it? Now he’s almost 2000lbs! It’s crazy how short a life all of these animals would have had if they hadn’t been rescued. A short, miserable life. I’m so happy Woodstock is here to help them all. It’s a really wonderful organization! And it’s so great that they have such a nice place to call home now. It’s so big, all the animals have so much space! Like seriously the new place is SIX TIMES the size of the old place. Yay! Lucky animals!

So, if you want to meet all these amazing animals and support the work of Woodstock Farm Sanctuary, September 5th is the day to do it! It’s from 11am to 5pm, free, and it’s going to be so much fun. You can get info and all the directions on the event page

But of course, if you can’t make it, or just can’t wait to show your support, you can always donate! The sanctuary is still fundraising for the property, they have to pay off the mortgage
and also pay for all the new barns and improvements. You want those goats to have a fun playground, right?! So donate! But really you should donate AND go to the re-opening because PARTAY!


Good morrow, my pals! Time to look inside last month’s Vegan…

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Good morrow, my pals! Time to look inside last month’s Vegan Cuts Beauty Box!

Well, there were some v interesting products this month. Most notably: Smart Ash tooth whitener from Bedrock and Bloom! It’s made from coconut charcoal–so exciting! I need to whiten the old teeth you know, all this coffee drinking. 

Another exciting product included: The Wonder Seed hemp hand cream! It’s smells nice like lavender. Is there anything hemp can’t do? I’m saying. 

Also got another great Pacifica product: this fancy-dancy eyeshadow trio. My fave colors too! I do like a sparkly beige base. 

And there was a nice face wash from sensitive skin-experts Everclén and cool moisturizer from Osea–v swanky.   

I got this for free but if you want to try it, the box subscription is $19.95 a month, shipping included (for US addresses. International is more).


Back the World Peace Diet Cookbook and more!

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Vegan food-loves and yoga fans! You now have until August 17th to help the World Peace Diet movement make its next big steps!:

Be part of the world peace tipping point and celebrate the 10th anniversary of Dr. Will Tuttle’s groundbreaking book The World Peace Diet by backing our next decade’s efforts of self-publishing media:  two World Peace Diet companion books–World Peace Diet Cookbook by Culinary Olympic award-winning Chef Mark Stroud and World Peace Yoga book by nationally known yogini, and founder of World Peace Yoga Anna Ferguson. Our second decade also includes realizing our dream of nationally launching a World Peace Diet Cuisine line of organic, gluten-free, sugar-free vegan food products.

There’s a lot of perk options, including both books. It’s basically like you’re paying for the cookbook and stuff in advance so that they can actually produce it. There’s a lot of other information on their Indie GoGo page, with details about the sanctuary horses they support and more. 

IN CONCLUSION AND PERHAPS MOST IMPORTANTLY! Stic from Dead Prez (who I was obsessed with in high school) is a supporter!:


Jay Astafa’s 3 Brothers Vegan Cafe opens TODAY!

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Jay Astafa’s new all-vegan restaurant 3 Brothers Vegan Cafe is officially open today as of 4pm! I’m so excited! LOOK AT THESE PICS OF THEIR FOOD:



It’s Long Island’s only all-veeg spot. Laura is coming to town in a few weeks and we have already added 3 Brothers Vegan Cafe to the NYC can’t-miss vegan list! I mean, check out the menu, it’s BONKERS! I can’t wait to eat all the pizza and also everything else as well!