
Attention Ethical Fashion Folk: Vaute is hiring!

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Read Vaute’s Nylon interview here!

Vaute just told us some exciting news: they are hiring for all sorts of openings, ranging from salary to part time to internships! And they are hiring ASAP! This could be your chance to work for an awesome vegan company that’s changing the face of fashion. And you’ll get to hang with Leanne I bet! That’s reason enough to apply if you ask me. 

All the positions are listed here along with info on how to apply. Good luck! And try to get me a discount kthx.


It’s Pesto Season! Celebrate with these 5 vegan recipes!

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According to my calculations (my neighbor’s basil plant), pesto season is here once again! What a joyous time of year it is. A quick look at confirms my fellow vegans are just as excited! Here are a few yummy looking recipes I found just within the first few pages!


Well HELLO NURSE! Pur Body Nutrition is nailing pesto season with this glorious spinach and macadamia nut pesto. HAVE MERCY. 


Not to be outdone, the delightfully titled blog Potatoes are Like Poems is killing it with this pistachio, basil and spinach pesto. I WANT TO EAT THIS ALL THE DAYS. 


Pumpkin and Peanut Butter (two of my favorite things!) delights us with this sunflower seed basil pesto!


And Fitting Into Vegan is going cray with this guacamole pesto. Out of control!


And finally, let’s not forget the ramp pesto recipe my friend showed you last year! For the brave among us!


The Squeeze: so much more than a juice bar!

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The Squeeze here in NYC (locations) sent me a care package of goodies to try! I’m not super into the juice craze but that is ok because look at all the non-juice items they sent! They bill themselves as “cold pressed juice and raw comfort food” and I was like, what’s raw comfort food? WELL WONDER NO MORE, MEGAN:

I doubt you get more raw comfort food steez than Mac ‘n Cheese Kale Chips, right? And these are soooo good! They def have a mac and cheese quality. And I liked them better than most store-bought kale chips I’ve tried. Still not as yum as homemade but def totally yum.

I also really liked the Tollhouse Nookie. It was like a raw cookie thing and while not so much a dessert item, it would make a yummy healthy breakfast. It was kinda like a chocolate granola cookie.

They also sent the Chocolate Squeezola Granola, which I liked too. It was on the crunchy side, not very chewy. The one juice they sent was the PB&J. I have to be honest, I didn’t really like it. But I don’t know, I’m pretty conservative when it comes to juices and my friend Ariela says it’s like her fave juice there.

Now, here is my most favorite thing!: FunOnions! These are delish and, yes, FUN! I would love to sprinkles these over a loaded baked potato! Or just eat all day. They are sweet and savory and so good!

So often, comfort food is not the food that’s actually good for you–The Squeeze turns that old thinking upside down!


NYC: Mama and kitten looking for foster or forever home!

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Got this tip about this sweet pair:

Michelle and Juney, mother-daughter duo rescued by the ASPCA from an “environment of hardship.”
The pair is bonded, so the optimal scenario is that they are fostered and/or adopted TOGETHER.
They groom one another, cuddle and play together.
Direct all inquiries to Lisa Delarios: + 512-587-2529.

If you don’t have room for these two darlings, please share share share!



If You Care About the Earth, Go Vegan Already

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This was out a week or two ago but I thought I’d share today, being Earth Day and all. The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee has some “news” for us, via The Hill:

The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, a federally appointed panel of nutritionists created in 1983, decided for the first time this year to factor in environmental sustainability in its recommendations. They include a finding that a diet lower in animal-based foods is not only healthier, but has less of an environmental impact.

Isn’t this fascinating brand new “news” we’ve never heard? OH WAIT YOU GUYS the United Nations has been saying this for years. Yeah but obvi the animal agriculture industry is not pleased. I mean, they’ve been trying to suppress this message for years, and that pesky thing keeps popping up! But all the money in the world can’t dispute the facts: animal product consumption is terrible for the environment. 

Anyway, even MSNBC is sharing the “news.” Check out this vid on their page (where the screengrab up top came from).

Meat and dairy eaters need to ask themselves, “if I care about the earth, why aren’t I vegan?” If the answer is “meat tastes yum in my tum” …that’s not a good enough answer. Your tastebuds don’t really trump environmental devastation.