
Animal News You Can Use! This week: Cultured meat, evangelical Christians, and a traveling pig!

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Interested in how HSUS operates with companies? Fortune Magazine has a must-read article this week entitled, “How the Humane Society convinced nearly 100 food companies to take their animals out of cages.”

Interested in how HSUS operates in the evangelical Christian world? The Washington Post has the story, “Inside the evangelical push to rally around animal ethics.”

Remember how the world’s first cultured meat burger in 2013 had a price tag of $325,000? It’s now down to $11.

You know about the big battle over the US dietary guidelines? The Hill reports on it this week with an article entitled “Federal report: Vegan diet best for planet.”

Finally, did you miss my friend Gene Baur discussing factory farming and vegan issues on The Daily Show? Check it out!

Paul Shapiro
Vice President, Farm Animal Protection
The Humane Society of the United States
Follow at  

P.S. Video of the week: I’m jealous of this pig!

P.P.S. If you ever wondered what I eat, my friends at Lighter have enabled you to wonder no longer.


Hi my friends! Time to look inside last month’s Vegan Cuts…

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Hi my friends! Time to look inside last month’s Vegan Cuts Beauty Box!

This month, my fave thing is prob the nail polish from Cult Cosmetics. I mean look at that pretty color!!! And it looks even better on nails. Another exciting item was the tapioca powder exfoliator from Kaia Naturals! Sounds cray right? Haven’t tried it yet but I’m excited. The lotion from Shea Terra and the grapefruit oil from Azalia Spa Goods both smell amazepants. The last thing was this scalp treatment from Petal Fresh, which I’m pretty excited about as well. Oh and there were little makeup brushes from Cult Cosmetics too! Love. 

I got this for free but if you want to try it, the box subscription is $19.95 a month, shipping included (for US addresses. International is more).


NYC/LA/SF: vegan pop up dinners by Jay Astafa and Angela Lowe!

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You guys! An amazing vegan dinner series launches this week and you have to go. They feature the bonkers vegan culinary skills of Jay Astafa and Angela Lowe. The first events are here in NYC–BK to be exact: April 9th, 10th, 14th, 18th, and 22nd. But do not despair west-coast vegans!:

“Beyond New York, The Culinary Collective is slated in June to host two dinners in California: one in Los Angeles and one in San Francisco. Different environment, identical reasons to secure tickets.”

Jay makes the best vegan food and I am going to eat everything on the menu. So come do that with me. Or let me eat your share; I’m game! To reserve your seat at the (delicious, delicious) table, go here!


Animal News You Can Use!: Animals: 2. Animal Abusers: 0.

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The factory farming industry suffered a major blow this week, when Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey issued his first-ever veto. He killed a bill that would’ve removed farm animals from the protections of the state’s anti-cruelty code, despite a strong meat industry lobbying effort. The governor reportedly received 19,251 constituent contacts about it, with all but three urging a veto…

In another blow, Dunkin Donuts announced this week that it’s moving away from battery eggs.

These losses make the industry even more desperate to keep Americans in the dark about its rampant animal abuse, which is why it’s so vigorously promoting ag-gag bills. The latest ag-gag battleground is in North Carolina. I address this issue in a new piece of mine on the conservative National Review web site.

Paul Shapiro
Vice President, Farm Animal Protection
The Humane Society of the United States
Follow at  

P.S. Video of the week: Think cats are the only animals who like laser pointers? (Seriously, this is amazing.)


““All I did was tell my captain I couldn’t take it anymore, that I wanted to go…”

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“All I did was tell my captain I couldn’t take it anymore, that I wanted to go home,” said Kyaw Naing, his dark eyes pleading into an Associated Press video camera sneaked in by a sympathetic worker. “The next time we docked,” he said nervously out of earshot of a nearby guard, “I was locked up.”

Here, in the Indonesian island village of Benjina and the surrounding waters, hundreds of trapped men represent one of the most desperate links criss-crossing between companies and countries in the seafood industry. This intricate web of connections separates the fish we eat from the men who catch it, and obscures a brutal truth: Your seafood may come from slaves.

Associated Press

Are Slaves Catching the Seafood You Buy? investigates the disturbing seafood industry in Indonesia. Main takeaways: these people are being tortured and there’s no way to distinguish seafood caught by slaves from other seafood for sale in America.

Much like the factory farm industry in the US, the Indonesian seafood industry preys upon migrant labor and violates workers’ basic human rights. Once again, animal rights issues and human rights issues are intertwined.