
The Ultimate Vegan Easter Candy Round-Up!

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It’s almost Easter! I’m not supes into Jesus but I’m supes into VEGAN EASTER CANDY! Like this impressive box of “eggs” from No Whey. Flavors include pecan caramel, raspberry truffle, and all kinds of stuff!


This peanut butter mousse-filled bunny from Lagusta’s Luscious is SO CUTE. They also have English cream eggs they say are a bit less sweet than Cadbury. I’m usually on team less-sweet so that sounds perf.


Speaking of Lugusta’s, Sweet Maresa’s, which you can buy on Lagusta’s site, is making her amazing Italian rainbow cookie cake thing again! It conveniently comes in pretty spring colors. I had one at Christmas and it was SO GOOD. It’s really dense and sweet and then it’s covered in the most amazing dark chocolate. If you haven’t tried it, you are missing out. 


Miss Peeps? Sweet and Sara comes to the rescue! They have adorable marshmallow chicks and bunnies. They also have this yum looking chocolate covered marshmallow bunny…don’t mind if I do!


And then Sjaak’s has this cute—and organic and fair trade—chocolate basket filled with a chocolate bunny and chocolate eggs! FUN.


I’m also HIGHLY interested in this chocolate crisp bunny from Allison’s Gourmet. Krackle-lovers, this one is for us!


If you wanna make a vegan kid’s day, check out this adorable Easter *bucket* from Indie Candy! Too cute. And the site is hyper allergy conscious so this should be your go-to resource if allergies are a concern (this bucket is corn-free)!.


I don’t know it there’s anything more adorable or silly than these Milkless Peek-a-boos from Premium Chocolatiers. It’s a marshmallow chick hidden inside a chocolate egg! I die.


When it comes to veeg Cadbury-style eggs, don’t forget our Laura’s favorite, the Sweet Dream Egg from Obsessive Confection Disorder! Laura is bonkers for these so be sure to buy now or she might get all of them before you get the chance.


If you want to go all out, I don’t think you can get more awesome than the Ultimate Lucky Bunny from Vegan Treats. This comes with so much delicious stuff I don’t even know where to start. Better you should just read it all yourself. And if you missed their Valentine’s special, dude, it was epic. 

Well. This is a lot of amazing stuff, no? As someone who loves holidays, I’m proud of this showing! Good job, vegan candy companies! REPRESENT!


Holy Cannoli!!! Ringling Brothers to ditch elephant acts!!!!

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I CANNOT BELIEVE IT. Ringling has announced they are going to eliminate live elephant acts in their show by the year 2018! CAN WE FAST FORWARD TIME PLEASE! I never thought this day would come!!!!! I’m nothing short of ELATED. Elephants are my most favorite animal and they are so sensitive and what Ringling does to them is despicably cruel.

If you aren’t aware, Ringling has a history of beating the crap out of its elephants. There are some horrifying videos out there. I’m not linking because then I’d have to look them up and I’m still scarred from the first time I saw them (the “make ‘em scream!” one…SHUDDER).

From NYT:

“There’s been somewhat of a mood shift among our consumers,” said Alana Feld, the company’s executive vice president. “A lot of people aren’t comfortable with us touring with our elephants.”

Feld owns 43 elephants, and 29 of the giant animals live at the company’s 200-acre Center for Elephant Conservation in central Florida. Thirteen animals will continue to tour with the circus before retiring to the center by 2018. One elephant is on a breeding loan to the Fort Worth

reason for the decision, company President Kenneth Feld said, was that
certain cities and counties have passed “anti-circus” and
“anti-elephant” ordinances. The company’s three shows visit 115 cities
throughout the year, and Feld said it’s expensive to fight legislation
in each jurisdiction. It’s also difficult to plan tours amid constantly
changing regulations, he said.

of the resources used to fight these things can be put towards the
elephants,” Feld said during an interview at the Center for Elephant
Conservation. “We’re not reacting to our critics; we’re creating the
greatest resource for the preservation of the Asian elephant.”

I mean, obvi this dude does not care about elephants, but fuck it. I’m happy, whatever his motivation. I’m sure the living situation will not be as good as it could or should be but at least no more bullhooks for these eles! OMG seriously, I’m about to cry. The abuse of eles in the circus has always been especially upsetting to me. And maybe with Ringling taking this action, the other smaller circuses will follow suit. 

Of course Ringling will still be using all the other poor animals in the show. BUT this is a START! Progress, everybody. Progress.

OMG I can’t wait until 2018!!! Free the eles! LET’S WATCH THIS BABY ELE PLAY WITH A RIBBON TO CELEBRATE!


Guys, I’m so obsessed with this matzo toffee from…

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Guys, I’m so obsessed with this matzo toffee from Lagusta’s Luscious. Like, SO OBSESSED. In fact, I just ordered another pound before I wrote this so that you couldn’t all go buy it and leave none for me. 

Description from the site:

When we first made this concoction in 2009, people pretty much lost their minds. It’s so good—toffee with just a whisper of sea salt, liberally laced with lashings of bittersweet chocolate (what can I say?
It inspires purple prose.), all set against a backdrop of matzo that
makes you feel that it might, in some way, be healthy. Well, it’s made
from organic and fair-trade ingredients, does that count? 

I’ve always been a big matzo fan and YOU KNOW I love salty and sweet things so this is basically a dream come true. I could eat it ALL DAY EVERY DAY. And as soon as my new order comes, I plan to do just that!


Great vegan finds at natural beauty store Purely Posh! Plus 10{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} off for Vegansaurs!

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Purely Posh is kinda a Sephora for natural and organic beauty stuff. They have a whole vegan section too! The founder sent me these two SpaRitual products to try out and I love! Up top, you can see me sporting the lip gloss. It’s a lovely glossy pink. I
wear it when I want to wear something pretty and noticeable but not that bold.


The nail polish isn’t really my color but it’s a nice polish. And both products are vegan!

Purely Posh has a nice little labeling system to show what’s what, including which products are unscented and which are made in the USA. And of course, vegan products are labeled too!


So if it says vegan, you can be confident. NOW FOR THE BEST NEWS: enter V2015 to get  10{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} off your order!

I’m in the market for new vegan makeup brushes, which they totes have. WHO WOULD PAINT THEIR FACE WITH NON-VEGAN BRUSHES? GROSSSS.


Vegan black bean pupusas from Tres Latin Foods!

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Back in my vegetarian days, there was a little place in DC that serve pupusas and I loved them! A Salvadoran staple, pupusas are little cornmeal cake-y pocket things stuffed with different yummy fillings and served hot. But sadly, I hadn’t had pupusas since going vegan, as they often have cheese. Well my pupusa-less days are behind me, thanks to Tres Latin Foods

So far, most of their flavors have cheese but not the black bean and corn. AND SPECIAL NEWS: they have a new flavor coming out! KALE AND PINTO BEAN! I can’t wait to try that! But they didn’t have that flavor at my Whole Foods yet so I was just able to try the black bean and corn.


There is not as much corn in them as the box image might suggest but never the less, they are delish. I love them! I could eat 100 but only 4 come in a box. Sad. I’ll be ok though as two is quite filling.

I prepared mine in the toaster. Just put a little olive oil on each side and cooked them for 10 mins at 400. So easy! And guess what, each pupusa has 4 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber—that’s kind of amazepants! Like, they are kind of tiny and don’t taste like some protein-packed thing. God bless beans, am I right?


One nice touch, there was a recipe on the side and I don’t know what the cheese pupusa boxes have but this one was vegan! I like that. Nice that they kept it vegan instead of like. “these are vegan AND GO GREAT WITH CHEESE.”

Moral of the story: LOVE THESE! Tres cheers for Tres pupusas! I can’t wait to try the kale-pinto bean flavor and I also def want to make some guacamole for my next round of the black bean ones.

They have them at Whole Foods like I mentioned but for a complete list of where to buy, check their site. SF folks can get them at Rainbow!!