
Republic of V: East Bay’s fancy all-vegan mini-mart!

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I’ve been going to Republic of V, East Bay’s best stocked Vegan grocery, since they opened last year. It’s on University Ave. in Berkeley. Joe, one of the two owners (other is Noelle), is usually behind the counter on weekends, and I recommend chatting him up because he always knows about the next best East Bay Vegan event. He also seems to know the makers of most of the local products, so ask him questions.


Yes, you can get Field Roast and Daiya cheese at most Bay Area grocery stores, but Republic of V, aside from stocking specialty products you can’t get anywhere else (including—no kidding—Vegan Smoked Salmon), gives you the magical experience of being able to walk through a store, pick anything up, and already know that it is vegan. No eggs, no milk, no whey, no crushed up bugs used as food coloring, but like the term boutique implies, tons of specialty and even super fancy items. Ask yourself, can you live without trying vegan chipotle facon caramel chocolates?


Republic of V’s commitment to local businesses is downright impressive. I see something new there every time I go. They are the only grocery to carry S&M vegan Fromagerie Esseme cultured creamy cashew spread (so good but it’s being discontinued :/), and they were stocking the stunning Miyoko cheeses at launch. Since we’re on the subject, ohh man that cheese fridge. Republic of V keeps it packed from top to bottom with an always-alternating selection of the best and weirdest cheese substitutes available. In addition to the Mikoyo and S&M vegan, V carries products from The Cultured Kitchen and Vtopian Artisan Cheeses, pricey but worth it for a special treat. Not to mention, Joe’s own recommendation, the Field Roast Chao slices—unbelievably good texture for grilled cheese anything. If I
haven’t been clear enough yet, go there for the cheese.

…AND Republic of V is celebrating their 1st year Anniversary this coming Sunday 2/22 at their store from 12-6PM. RSVP! The amazing Hella Vegan Eats food truck will be there, and Miyoko’s Kitchen will be debuting a flavor, Double Cream Garlic. Those two are reason enough to attend, but the Facebook event page promises more samples, sales, freebies, animal charity stuff, and fun. And vegan fun is the best fun. It’s definitely worth paying them a visit. Who knows – your old favorite could be hanging out on a shelf, all veganized just for you.

This is a guest post by Nicole Hall. Originally from Buffalo, by way
of Pittsburgh, Nicole Hall landed in the Bay Area in 2012 where she
manages an art studio for adults with intellectual developmental
disabilities. Nicole enjoys writing
fiction, playing with her pet rats, and being vegan.


Wonder the Vegan Wolf: a stuffed animal with compassion!

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I don’t know why Wonder is vegan, but I do know I love him. His goal is to bring a message of “vulnerability, compassion and courage” to the world! And with his new Kickstarter, we can all have a Wonder to call our own. He’s born from the Perfect Reject project; an endeavor by artist Nina Salerno to rescue and rehab discarded stuffed animals. They are ADORABLE. But none of the others seem to be vegan, just Wonder!

Also special to Wonder: 10{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} of proceeds from his sales will go toward a wolf-dog rescue, W.O.L.F. Sanctuary. Apparently there are a bunch of people willy nilly breeding wolf-dog hybrids and then a bunch of other people just buying them and having no idea how to care for them. So the W.O.L.F Sanctuary does their best to educate people about wolf-dogs and to rescue as many as they can. You have got to read the stories about their rescues, they are so cute! The sanctuary is very concerned about making sure each wolf-dog gets proper companionship once rescued and the matchmaking stories are so sweet—def read Sasha and Pax’s!

So if you’re looking for your new favorite Kickstarter, this is it!

UPDATE: I just emailed the creator regarding what materials would be used to make Wonder. Response: “he will be made of synthetic materials. NO animal products will be used.” YAY!


Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co: save a life with your morning brew!

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Grounds & Hounds sent me a few bags of their coffee to try and I declare: it’s good coffee! Better still: it’s good coffee that saves doggies! Since my best friend Alexander and his wife Nicole are both very discerning coffee drinkers AND rescue dog lovers (that’s their rescue pup the amazing Charlie!!), I had them try the coffee too. They ground it and made espresso. Nicole was particularly pleased with how fresh the coffee tasted. Can’t beat fresh grounds! She said it could def replace their usual brand—even if it didn’t save dogs! But all the better that it does, amirite?!

Don’t worry, Charlie did NOT have any! He wasn’t really into it…


But then I was like, Charlie, my man! Don’t you know this coffee saves doggies like you?! I even read him the site:

Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co. was born out of our passion to give back to the animals who selflessly provide us with so much happiness. 20{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} of all proceeds received by Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co. will be donated to our rescue partner located closest to you. We strive to support the hard-working rescue organizations in your community with funds generated by your purchase, which will help give our sheltered
friends the second-chance that they deserve.

I think he came around. But he still didn’t get any DON’T WORRY. No coffee for puppies!

You’ll be happy to know Grounds & Hounds coffee is also 100{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} Fair Trade and Organic certified. An all-around great product! You can buy some for yourself on their site. I recommend the Morning Walk Breakfast Blend!


Puppies and vegan food abound at Positive Tails launch party!

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At the last minute yesterday, I decided to go to the launch of the new non-profit charity organization Positive Tails. Boy am I glad I did—what a stupendous event! The party was sponsored by Vegansaurus-favorite Mooshoes, so YOU KNOW there was vegan food everywhere! There was also plenty of wine by Redhook Winery, and beer by Six Point (Six Point seems to sponsor a lot of animal-welfare events! NICE!) PLUS people could bring their pets! That’s my kind of party!

And I must say, Positive Tails seems like such a great organization:

Veterinary Emergency and Referral Group of Brooklyn (VERG), Positive Tails will provide grants to assist animals in three distinct ways – to fight animal abuse, help displaced animals and the over-population of dogs and cats, and to provide support to individuals and families who cannot afford veterinary emergency or illness care for their companion animals.

Several speakers told the rescue stories of their own dogs and I’m not one to cry but…the feels. 

Let’s talk more about the party!


Here’s a snap I got of the amazing all-vegan dessert spread by none other Vegan Treats. Look at the cutie pie dog and kitty one! I went for the cannoli of course; can’t eat those cute faces!


And vegan caterer Jay Astafa provided the savory! Including his famous battered and fried cauliflower, over a Brussles sprout-pomegranate slaw and topped with ranch and coconut bacon. OH EM GEE, amirite? The food was flying off the trays so I couldn’t get my own pic, this is from Jay’s Instagram, which you should def be following duh. 


And there were even vegan (the banana) and vegetarian (the apple ones have honey, no eggs or dairy) treats for the doggy guests from Biscuits By Lambchop! Not only are their treats meat-free, they are allergy-friendly as well! And the pups were gobbling them up. 


Like my new friend Tyson! He’s a total beefcake. *heart eyes emoji*


And probably the most important news from the night, THERE WAS A CAT IN A TUXEDO! And now we are Instagram friends! Meet Minnie Red, a rescued persian kitty with swagger for days. I highly recommend you follow him and his Park Slope adventures on Instagram as well. If you don’t, YOU WILL REGRET THAT DECISION FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE (that’s my new catchphrase, you like? WELL DO YOU?!).


And as you can see, the event was VERY well-attended. I’d call it a smashing success!

If you want to learn more about Positive Tails and keep up with their latest news, follow them on FB! And you can donate to the org from their site, as well as apply for assistance, should you need to. 

Thanks Positive Tails! It was a blast!