
Terrible person bashes 920 chickens to death, meat-eaters condemn the massacre before they head to KFC

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imageLittle Miss Sunshine is more introspective than your average meat-eater.

A few sites reported this awful story yesterday: an unknown sick and/or terrible person broke into a poultry facility and killed 920 chickens with a golf club. This is horrible and disturbing, but the public reaction is a blatant example of the bizarre cognitive dissonance we see with meat-eaters. This is a poultry factory. What the fuck do they think happens at a poultry factory? There are definitely more cruel ways than others to kill chickens, but I can guarantee you the way chickens are killed at a poultry plant is not going to be in a Disney movie. And it’s reported this plant, Foster Farms, houses* 21,000 chickens. What kind of quality of life do people think 21,000 chickens in a factory have?

Foster Farms is miraculously certified humane. Apparently you can be totes humane with 21,000 chickens living in warehouses. From their site:

Foster Farms poultry is neither “caged” nor “free-range.” Our chickens and turkeys are grown in large poultry barns designed to protect the birds from environmental extremes…

Yes, totally protected from environmental extremes…LIKE THE SUN. Here’s a screen grab from their “how we earned it” video about being certified humane:


Again, there are worse ways to live (for example, the way most hens used for egg production live), but are you kidding me? This is awful enough for me. 

And what’s really telling, the company, which called the killings an “unconscionable act of animal cruelty,” is offering a $5000 reward** for info leading to the arrest of the perpetrator/perpetrators. Guess why they chose that number? Because the estimated loss to the business from the chicken attack is $5000. I know putting a price on the value of a being is sad, but if we have to, that’s so fucking low. 920 chickens are only “worth” $5000? And I’m sure that figure includes property damage, so it’s not even $5000. But also, tell me how this is about animal cruelty? And not profit loss? It’s all so despicable. 

Don’t get me wrong, I think this is a terrible thing to have happened. But I also think the poultry industry is a terrible thing to have happened. Yet, meat-eaters condemn this cruelty, while chomping down on a chicken club. It’s just absurd. These people are so confused. Like this SF Gate piece, they call it a “bloodbath” and refer to the assailants as “killers.” Wait, are you trying to say meat is murder?! You crazy animal rights wackos! 

Also, I just learned they’ve made an arrest. I heard the cops are celebrating over chicken parm. 

*The Gawker post says “holds” instead of houses—a nice example of the subtle distancing through language we get when discussing animals used for food. 

**The Animal Legal Defense Fund is offering a $5000 reward, but many news sites said Foster Farms was doing the same. I’m a bit confused, but Foster Farms is offering some kind of reward and I think it’s $5000. Another point of confusion: I definitely think whoever did this should be prosecuted and I think ALDF is great but why are they offering a reward amount that is the same as the monetary loss to the business? Seems to affirm the chickens are just a commodity. 


October 4th: Join the Global March for Elephants and Rhinos!

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imageAttention, world! The Global March for Elephants and Rhinos is Saturday, October 4th! The situation is dire: ”Africa loses 4 elephants to poachers EVERY HOUR, EVERY DAY of the year. It is estimated that less than 300,000 survive today. Africa loses 3 rhinos to poachers EACH DAY; of the 5 species of rhino, less than 25,000 survive today.” And you know we love eles and rhinos!

To find where your closest march is, check here. If you’re in NYC of SF, I’ve done the work for you!  

NYC, join the FB event page and meet at 42nd Street and 12th Ave at 11am.

SF, join the FB event page and meet St. Mary’s Square (in China Town at 601 California St.) at 10:15 am. 

In conclusion, watch this baby rhino playing with this rock


Oats & Apples: a Comedy Benefit for NYCLASS! Tomorrow night!

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Pulling carriages in Central Park is no job for a horse. But the mean and nasty “tradition” is so entrenched, it’s going to take even more hard work to rid our fair city of the practice. Why not come to a fundraiser on Saturday night to help!

Oats & Apples: A Comedy Benefit for NYCLASS takes place tomorrow night at the Players Theatre Loft on MacDougal Street in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village. For just $25 you can sit back, relax and laugh at the comedic stylings of funny folks like Subhah Agarwal (New York Comedy Festival, Women in Comedy Festival), Steve Walsh (Laughing Buddha), Lynn Bixenspan (Relationshit, UCB), Katherine Williams (New York Fringe Festival, New York Underground Comedy Festival), Phil Gable (Comedy Central) and Jake Vevera (Idiots on Parade).

Presented by Cynical Bastard Productions and hosted by Caitlin McKee, festivities get going at 7 p.m. and run until around 8:30 p.m. Short and sweet and hilarious, just the way you like it. And afterward, walk over to Sacred Chow or Blossom on Carmine to complete your animal-friendly evening..

One hundred percent of ticket sales go toward NYCLASS, a nonprofit animal advocacy organization committed to ending the inhumane NYC carriage horse industry by retiring the carriage horses to sanctuaries and replacing the carriage horse industry with the 21st Century Horseless Carriage.

Tickets here.

Oats & Apples: A Comedy Benefit for NYCLASS | Players Theatre Loft | 115 MacDougal Street | NYC 10012 | 7 PM – 8:30 PM | Saturday September 27, 2014

Nell Alk is a writer and editor based in New York City. If something #vegan is happening in the world, she is on it. Twitter with her hereInstagram with her here


Animal News You Can Use: Climate week, sloths, and Meatless Mondays.

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Coinciding with Climate Week in New York, HSUS’s president, Wayne Pacelle, published a potent op-ed in New Jersey’s Star-Ledger, noting that “raising and slaughtering tens of billions of animals across the globe for food each year is right up there with coal-fired power plants in pumping heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere.”

As well, the fallout from the Texas ag commissioner’s bashing of Meatless Mondays continues. Not only is Todd Staples resigning after a national backlash against his criticism of giving students meat-free meals, but the Dallas Observer pointed out this week that “the take away is that Staples is more interested in protecting big industries than he is protecting the citizens his organization was set up to serve.”

Finally, the Washington Post food editor published a powerful column this week about why he decided to become a vegetarian, noting that “my lifelong love for dogs and cats has made me want to extend that compassion to beings that used to show up on my dinner table.”

Have a good weekend!

Paul Shapiro
Vice President, Farm Animal Protection
The Humane Society of the United States
Follow at  

P.S. Video of the week: May your weekend be as relaxing as this sloth’s.


Here it is, your peek inside the August Vegan Cuts Beauty…

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Here it is, your peek inside the August Vegan Cuts Beauty Box!

This box had Pacifica BB creamEmani Vegan Cosmetics mineral hybrid creamEnfusia bath soakBalanced Guru energy mist, and Zabana Essentials green clay facial cleansing bar

I totally heart the Pacifica BB cream. Very, very light. The Emani cream was like a multipurpose pressed powder. It’s fun, but you don’t get a lot of control, you’re just kinda mixing the colors. Still fun. I haven’t tried the energy mist yet…TOO TIRED! HA! Dad jokes. 

I got this for free but if you want to try it, the box subscription is $19.95 a month, shipping included (for US addresses. International is more).