
Paul Shapiro’s Animal News You Can Use: how many orthodox rabbis does it take…?

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imageHow many orthodox rabbis does it take to expose how cruel kosher slaughter is? Just one, and he’s got a very compelling op-ed in the Wall Street Journal today.

And when it comes to non-kosher slaughter, if you think the USDA takes its slaughter oversight responsibilities seriously, Bruce Friedrich’s latest op-ed may clarify your thinking.

The meat industry doesn’t like all this attention on its abusive track record, so one of its groups that was formed to combat HSUS has now formed its own Super PAC…

Finally, you may have missed HSUS’s Animal Care Expo (the largest conference for animal sheltering professionals in the nation) this past week, but here’s some good coverage of the off-the-hook food served there.

Paul Shapiro
Vice President, Farm Animal Protection
The Humane Society of the United States
Follow at

P.S. Video of the week: I didn’t believe it when I heard about it, but this cat really plays Jenga.

P.P.S. Do you love Esther the Wonder Pig? Then come see the dudes who live with her give a speech at Taking Action for Animals in DC at the end of June… Register now!


Animal testing doesn’t work, here’s a friendly cartoon to explain why

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imageBesides being unconscionable, animal testing is not reliable. And now, thanks to the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine, we have this handy video to explain why animal testing is not the answer. The only animals you will see abused in this video are cartoon animals, so this does not get a graphic warning at all (though I was sad when they took the mousy away from his friend). 

Ok it’s your turn to help! Come on now, this will be SO easy:

1. Sign this petition!

2. SHARE THIS VIDEO WITH EVERYONE! And you can tell them it’s not graphic. People are scared of graphic stuff. 


NYC: Come to Vegan Drinks TONIGHT!

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Heyo! It’s that time of the month again! And I don’t mean the lady-time! I mean Vegan Drinks! YAY!!!

TONIGHT at FONTANA’S we will be rippin’ and stompin’. Yours truly will be spinning records along with some other peeps and there will be AWESOME raffles! AND VEGAN FOOD from Heirloom Vegan Eatery! Plus, the whole night benefits Darwin Animal Doctors. But when did you ever need an excuse to get boozy?! 

And remember, say hi to me! I’ll be the incredibly attractive one. 


Scooter the Neutered Cat promotes a gonad-free lifestyle to save kitties

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imageMegan Rascal here, on the Ad Beat again. Here’s a super silly commercial for, a campaign to combat kitty overpopulation and euthanasia in shelters:I love Scooter! He will definitely catch some attention and that’s got to be good for spreading the message. I know from past posts that many of us disagree on cats in clothes, but I’m fine with it if the cat isn’t protesting. And Scooter seems super chill.

You can see some behind the scenes shots in this video below. Apparently, Scooter comes from a shelter himself. The shelter said he was unadoptable because he had a serious ‘tude. Look at the boy now!: 

Totally chill. And he has a great message because hella cats are killed in shelters all the time. Besides simply raising awareness on the importance of spaying and neuturing, Scooter provides a lot of info about where to get low-cost spay/neuter surgery and will even give your cat a ride to get snipped! There’s also info on TNR and links to kitties up for adoption. So, lots of good stuff on the site. 

You know who they need to do a campaign like this for? Bros with male dogs. Because, I swear, I have encountered way too many dudes who won’t neuter their male dogs because of some sort of testicle worship. Bonkers. Are people like that about male cats too? Or is it just a dog thing? 

imageOf course it is to be noted that specifies it wants a no-kill world for cats. And as we’ve recently discussed, most people feed their cats other animals. So, I guess those other animals don’t get a no-kill world. BUT less cats having babies means less cats around to eat other animals. We still win! Yay!   

Note: Is “Give Them Ten” a play on 9 lives?? That’s what I’m thinking but not sure. I invite your insight.

Another note, this time for my ad nerds in the crowd: The campaign is by Northlich Cincinnati. Good job, pals!