
Suite ThreeOhSix supper club: Vegan fine dining on another level!

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I went to a fundraising dinner at Suite ThreeOhSix last night and I had to share the pictures with you guys because HOLY CANNOLI! 

Meave and I attended an event at Suite ThreeOhSix a while back and since then, I’ve wanted to go to one of their dinners. So when I heard Leanne of Vaute was hosting a dinner to benefit the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, I knew it was the perfect time to go! And go I did. 

Because Leanne is only the most adorable, the menu was inspired by her favorite childhood foods; but head chef Daphne Cheng gave these childhood comfort foods a grown up makeover! Here’s the menu:


This pic is from Suite ThreeOhSix’s instagram.

Is your mind blown?? I believe it’s probably blown. The pop tart is pictured at the top. It was my favorite dish of the night! The date compote filling was amazing. 

The second course was the open face grilled cheese you see below. I loved it!


My brother was my date because he’s the fanciest person I know. His favorite dish was the corn fritters. This is them, they were topped with greens and some flowery bits:


Next up was the mac and cheese:


This was great as well (are you noticing a pattern?). But the dessert! Oh the dessert! Strawberry shortcake, gone all civilized:


The strawberry ice cream shot was coconut based and very delicious. I don’t normally go in for strawberry ice cream but this was excellent. I also like that the cake was soda biscuit-like instead of sponge cake. That’s the way it should be! Death to sponge cake strawberry shortcakes! 


Suite Three Oh So Fancy!

If you can’t tell, Suite ThreeOhSix is hella fancy. Unless you are a baller, it will probably be a rare treat. But it’s worth it! And I think the dinners are usually raising funds for good causes like PCRM. And they are always vegan! So make sure you sign up on their email list so you can hear about all the wonderful upcoming events. And I hope you enjoyed these pictures! The lighting was suspiciously good for food photography…


Sweet deaf dog learns to sign and finds her forever home

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Get the tissues! This sweetie pie dog is deaf and the shelter she was at taught her her own sign language! They say it totally brought her out of her shell. So sweet! I’m not crying!

The happy ending is that she got adopted by a super nice woman who is hard of hearing. How cute is she tucked up in the woman’s arms?! Her adopter says she’s going to teach her people sign language! Watch the video. AND LOOK AT THIS FACE!!!:



Jennifer Lopez adopts vegan diet and we think that’s great

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Say what you want about her music but Get Right is the jam. I couldn’t make it through this video but trust I have the 12 inch. 

Yesterday, my FB feed was aflutter with the news that J. Lo has taken on a vegan diet. I know some people don’t like when I say “vegan diet” but I’m just like, that’s what it is. And you know exactly what I mean when I say it. But maybe I don’t get “plant-based diet” because “plant-based” sounds like you eat mostly plants whereas “vegan diet” sounds like you never eat that non-vegan junk. 

Back to the matter at hand, Jennifer Lopez did a recent radio interview in NYC where she dropped the v-bomb. I didn’t listen to the interview because I feel exhausted just thinking about listening to it but Celebuzz has some choice quotes:

“Being vegan, it’s basically no diary, no meat, everything is plant based and from the ground,” she says. “Butter is the one thing I miss!”

She continues about her new diet, “You do feel better. I do recommend the vegan diet because you wake up and feel great!”

There you have it! And I know many of you are not on the celeb-news train but I’ll say what I’ve said before: a celebrity going vegan raises a ton of awareness. And even if it’s only a vegan diet, cutting out non-vegan food seems to be the biggest barrier for people when they think about what veganism means. So that’s a great place to start. And eating less animals means less animal suffering, full stop. I know Lopez has a disgusting history of wearing fur, but it’s not like she’s going to wear more fur because she’s not eating cheese. 

And, on the raising awareness tip, who’s more likely to become vegan? Someone who knows about it because some celebrity tried it or someone who’s never even heard the word before? Plus I think people are more likely to open up to veganism if they have a vegan friend—and guess what! Celebrities are very much like friends to a lot of people! Basically, it normalizes veganism, which is great PR considering so many people regard veganism as “extreme” and realistically impossible. 

In conclusion: Yay J. Lo! Hope it sticks! Let’s go to Blossom together, my treat.