BAFTAs to Serve Delicious Vegan Menu

Good news for compassionate celebrities! The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) will be offering healthy, humane dishes during its awards ceremony on Sunday.

BAFTA is embracing the vegan movement, as organisers have created a mouth-watering animal-free menu, which will be sure to delight vegan A-listers.

The plant-based menu will feature a quinoa salad with radishes, broad beans, asparagus and peas with a lemon and olive oil dressing and a roasted butternut squash and sun-blushed tomato lasagne with wilted spinach, roasted pepper, sage and a basil dressing.

Interest in vegan eating is skyrocketing in the UK and beyond. Some of the world’s best chefs, including Jamie Oliver and Wolfgang Puck, are getting creative with cruelty-free cooking, so we’re sure that guests attending the BAFTAs are in for a treat!

In addition to sparing animals immense suffering in today’s industrialised meat, egg and dairy industries, vegans are less prone to suffering from heart disease, diabetes, strokes, obesity and cancer than meat-eaters are. They also have smaller carbon footprints, as the meat industry is a major producer of the greenhouse-gas emissions that cause climate change.

Try vegan for yourself! Request a free copy of PETA’s vegan starter kit, which is packed full of recipes, tips on making the switch and more:

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