Benjamin John Power: Why I’m Vegan

His band may have a naughty name, but Benjamin John Power from the electronic duo Fuck Buttons is anything but. In fact, the Bristol musician, who is also known for his solo project Blanck Mass, is so concerned about making kind choices that he refuses to eat food that results from animal suffering: namely, meat, eggs and dairy products.

We chatted with him about how and why he chose to go vegan:

Like many people who switch to a plant-based diet, Benjamin reports feeling less tired. He’s also glad to be living by his principles and honouring his lifelong respect for animals, particularly after learning how cows are abused by the dairy industry. It’s been a positive decision all round, as he’s also discovered how delicious vegan food can be.

Benjamin is part of a growing list of musicians – including Ellie Goulding, rapper JME, Moby, Leona Lewis, Chrissie Hynde, Rodrigo y Gabriela and Johnny Marr – who have gone vegan.

Join them! To get started on a more compassionate diet, order our free vegan starter kit today:

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