‘Can’t Buy Me Love’ – Adopt From Your Local Shelter!

The Beatles’ classic hit “Can’t Buy Me Love” is helping end animal homelessness! The song was donated to PETA US for a brand-new adoption campaign video urging people to adopt animals from shelters.

The video was directed by Steven Willis and features adopted cats and dogs (including a terrier mix who was rescued near PETA US’ Virginia headquarters) and dancers from the salsa troupe Baila Conmigo, winner of the World Latin Dance Cup and finalists on the US TV programme America’s Got Talent.

You can’t buy love – not at a pet store, anyway. Breeders and the pet industry are major contributors to the dog and cat overpopulation crisis because they bring more puppies and kittens into a world that doesn’t have enough good homes for all the animals who already exist. Each of us can help work towards the day when there will be a loving, permanent home for every animal by spaying or neutering our animal companions and by always adopting and never buying animals from pet stores or breeders. And encourage everyone you know to do the same!

The post ‘Can’t Buy Me Love’ – Adopt From Your Local Shelter! appeared first on PETA UK.