Chana Masala Veggie Burger With Mint Chutney Mayo

Chana Masala Veggie BurgerIf you’re looking for THE veggie burger recipe to make your summer sizzle and swelter all the more — in a good way — you need look no more. Because I have for you my favorite veggie burger recipe ever, and that’s saying a lot, given all the burgers I make (and devour). My Chana Masala Veggie Burger.

This is a hearty, hefty burger patty that has great texture from the chickpeas and mushrooms, great flavor from the chana masala spices that go into it, and — I promise you this — it will not fall apart on the grill.

Chana Masala Veggie BurgerI had been toying with the idea of a Chana Masala Burger for a while because I just adore Chana Masala and it’s on the menu in our home more often than I will tell you. Both Desi and Jay also love it, so it’s almost always a no-brainer when I am looking for something quick. This Chana Masala Burger is just as easy to put together– probably easier. If you have canned or cooked chickpeas on hand (I sprouted mine– major points to me), all you need to do is chop up some onions and a few mushrooms and coriander, and the rest of the stuff can come out of jars and bottles.



Chana Masala Veggie Burger


Chana Masala Veggie BurgerI wanted the true flavor of Chana Masala in here, so I pretty much added every ingredient that actually goes into this dish. You do need to substitute smartly — for instance, tomatoes are a major ingredient in Chana Masala, but you don’t want fresh tomatoes in your patty because that’s just too much moisture. So in went some tomato ketchup which adds flavor and depth but you need just a tiny amount so you don’t have to worry about making the patty too wet.

I also added some sriracha and soy sauce, which, again, add to the layers of flavor without making their presence felt. And while mushrooms are definitely not a Chana Masala ingredient, they are great in any veggie burger patty and especially in this one. If you’re not a big mushroom fan (and if you are I do not understand you — I do not), substitute with another veggie like carrot or even eggplant.

To slather on my whole wheat bun, I made some Mint “Chutney” Mayo — this is a super-easy way to add an exotic flavor to old mayo– vegan mayo, of course. And it is just incredible paired with the spicy patties.

When Jay got home from school yesterday and saw this burger waiting for him, he did a little joyful dance, then got changed in record time — and then he gobbled down the burger in record time. So I can honestly say it’s picky-child-approved as well. As for Desi, he declared it the best veggie burger I’ve ever made. Try it, and let me know if you agree.

Chana Masala Veggie Burger

Chana Masala Veggie Burger
Prep time

Cook time

Total time


Vegan, nut-free, gluten-free, no refined sugars, low-fat
Recipe type: Burger
Cuisine: Fusion
Serves: 8 burger patties

  • For the Chana Masala Burger:
  • 3 cups cooked or canned chickpeas
  • 1 cup cooked bulgur or quinoa
  • 1 tbsp chana masala powder
  • 1 tsp Sriracha sauce (adjust up or down per your taste)
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce or tamari
  • ¼ cup finely chopped shallots or red onions
  • 1 tbsp tomato ketchup
  • ¼ cup chickpea flour or besan
  • ¼ cup cornstarch
  • 4 large crimini mushrooms, minced
  • 2 tsp ginger garlic paste
  • 2 tbsp finely chopped coriander leaves
  • Salt to taste
  • For the Mint Chutney Mayo:
  • 1 cup vegan mayo
  • 2 green chillies
  • ¼ tsp ginger garlic paste
  • ¼ cup packed mint leaves
  • Salt to taste

  1. Make the burgers:
  2. Place the chickpeas in a large bowl and mash slightly with a potato masher or heavy spoon. You want some of the chickpeas to remain whole.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients except the chickpea flour and cornstarch. Mix well and set aside for 15 minutes, to let the vegetables express their moisture.
  4. Add the cornstarch and chickpea flour. Mix well. The mixture should hold together when you press it into a ball. If needed, add more chickpea flour.
  5. Form eight patties. Heat a griddle or skillet over medium-high heat. Coat or spray with some vegetable oil and cook the patties on both sides, flipping over when the undersides turn golden-brown.
  6. Serve on a whole wheat burger bun with onions, tomatoes, greens, and mint chutney mayo.
  7. Make the Mint Chutney Mayo:
  8. Place all the ingredients in a blender and whiz until well-blended and smooth.

Chana Masala Veggie BurgerChana Masala Veggie Burger

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