Coconut Organics Coconut Chips: Salty, Sweet, and Vegan!


Coconut Organics sent me free samples of their various coconut chips to try: CocoBacon, Dark Chocolate Coconut Chips and plain. Now I will tell you all about them! I had everyone at the office try them so I will give you the omni POV too. 

Info from their site:

Lightly toasted, not fried! Our coconut chips are USDA Organic, high fiber, high energy, vegan, and gluten free. Also, we use 100{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} raw organic cacao, organic coconut sugar, and Celtic Sea Salt® to make our raw chocolate coconut chips.

So that is all super! However, I am not a huge coconut person so I wasn’t sure I would like these…but they are so tasty! They do have the coconut thing where you are still chewing like a minute later but they do not taste v coconutty. 


The CocoBacon didn’t taste much like bacon, it tasted like the BBQ chips I ate as a kid! You know the ones–salty, sweet, smoky, yummy! So I love these. And I like the texture of all the chips, they aren’t too tough, more crispy. 


The chocolate coconut chips (pictured above) were yum as well. They are a bit salty with a hint of cinnamon and they are not that sweet but def chocolatey. But more like eating chocolate granola than a straight up chocolate candy. There was a split among my coworkers between which were better, these or the Cocobacon, I think it’s all about what mood you’re in!

But I think my fave flavor was actually the plain! Who would have guessed?! The plain was the crispiest of the three and just like…idk, I could snack on them all day!

So I am v excited about this little snack but my dumb coworkers ate all my post-tasting leftovers! Damn omnis! Looks like you can order from their site though so I can re-stock. Damn omnis though!

Coconut Organics seems to have a bunch of fun products coming out (including pancake mix and chocolate coconut butter?!) so follow them on fb to keep up with that.