Cornwall’s Foodie Festival Has No Taste for Foie Gras

Cornwall’s Port Eliot Festival, which will be held this weekend and is known for fine food, music and literature, has reassured punters that cruelty to ducks and geese will not be on the menu.

Because of the festival’s emphasis on fresh, locally sourced and sustainable food, you’d hardly expect to find foie gras there, given the deeply unethical methods used in its production, which is so cruel that it’s been banned in the UK. To make the “fatty liver pâté”, vast amounts of corn are pumped into the stomachs of birds via a metal pipe several times a day, until their livers become engorged and they are so ill that often they can barely stand up.

Foie gras production harms welfare of ducks and geese

We wrote to the festival organisers just to make sure that this revolting item would not be making an appearance and received this confirmation from a spokesperson:

“foie gras will not be served at the festival or used in any cookery demonstrations on site. We would be pleased if foie gras were banned from sale in the UK”.

We agree! It’s high time that the UK followed in India’s footsteps by banning the importation of foie gras altogether.

Help us make further progress towards a foie gras–free Britain by speaking out if you ever see the repugnant product on sale. Restaurants are removing foie gras from their menus all the time after hearing from concerned customers.

You can also sign our letter to EU leaders asking them to crack down on foie gras production in Europe, which violates the most basic guidelines on animal welfare.

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