FitVine: Wine that’s low in sugar, high in antioxidants, and all vegan!


Now you KNOW I love to drink and as wine is the window to the soul, I def get down with fermented grapes. So I was very exited when FitVine sent me some free bottles to try!

Finding vegan wines is kind of a hassle tbh (check for why some wines aren’t vegan). Beer is easy because you basically see the same beers everywhere, but wines?! There are so many different brands! So you’ll be happy to know that FitVine is vegan. It’s also different from other wines in some super interesting ways:

FitVine wines have higher antioxidants and no
residual sugar, yielding less carbohydrates, calories and sulfites.
The wines have no GMO’s, are double filtered and cold stabilized to
remove impurities and all of the grapes are pesticide free. 

Interesting right? A little more detail:

FitVine Wines go through malolactic, secondary fermentation to lower pH
levels to ensure the cleanest, best tasting wine. All of the wines are cold
stabilized and chilled to drop out impurities prior to filtration, which is
done with diatomaceous earth and micron pads. The fermentation
process is extended to 10-15 days to enhance the antioxidants and
optimize the pH levels which means no added sugars, additives or
unnecessary amounts of sulfites. Many wines have sulfite levels of 75ppm-
150ppm (parts per million), FitVine Wines are at 35ppm!

Lower sugar sounds good to me! I hear sugar is like considered the devil now plus sugary booze makes me feel hella ill the next morning. And for my friends who prefer to eat your calories, low calories is nice too. 

Idk much about sulfites but my (quick internet) research says that they are generally harmless but some people (with asthma especially) can have a sensitivity to them. And my (quick internet) research says that data on antioxidants is inconclusive but they could prevent disease and have anti-aging qualities. Also, apparently getting them from food sources (as opposed to supplements) is the best way to get them. 

Now, as for the taste, me and my friends tried them and they are very good! I would say all three were mild in flavor; Totally good but more like easy drinking than bold. Which, personally, is my kind of wine. I really enjoyed the Chardonnay, it was nice and dry! I kind of hate sweets wines so this was perf. And overall, all my friends liked all of the wines. All the thumbs up!

I’m also happy to tell you that you can order wine on their site and they are very reasonably priced at about $16 a bottle. If you want to save some dough, there’s free shipping on all cases. I’m about to order the pinot noir* for all the holiday parties coming up! 

*aka peanut of the night