Fluffy Tapioca Pudding

Unless you have been hiding in a cave for the past little while, you know that aquafaba has taken the vegan world by storm. I have been experimenting with it for about two weeks and this was my first success. I used to make this pudding with eggs for my family when in my early teen years when I first caught the cooking and baking bug. This tastes exactly like I remember it–light and airy and not too sweet. I have used instant tapioca here to make the recipe as easy as possible, but I actually prefer small pearl tapioca for a little more texture. Use whatever tapioca you like making sure you soak it first as per the directions on the box.

Serves 8-10

– 1/2 cup chickpea aquafaba
– 1 cup sugar
– 2 tbsp cornstarch (optional, see note below*)
– 4 cups almond milk
– 1/2 cup plus 1 tbsp instant tapioca
– 1 can light coconut milk
– 1/8 tsp turmeric
– 1 tbsp vanilla extract

1. Put the aquafaba in a stand mixer fitted with a ballon whisk. Whisk on med-hi until frothy, then slowly stream in the sugar with mixer running. Whisk on high until peaks form (somewhere between soft and stiff peaks). Don’t worry if the sugar has not completely dissolved.
2. In a medium saucepan, whisk the cornstarch (if using) into 1 cup of the almond milk. Whisk in the rest of the almond milk. Add the tapioca, coconut milk, and turmeric.
3. Heat the almond milk mixture over medium heat, stirring constantly, until bubbling. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Let cool for a few minutes.
4. Fold in the aquafaba mixture until incorporated.
5. Pour into a large bowl and refrigerate until fully cooled.

* the pudding will set in the fridge without the cornstarch, but it will be looser. With the cornstarch you can eat the pudding warm or at room temperature if that is your thing.