Foie Gras Victory! London City Airport Is Now Officially Foie Gras–Free

London City Airport (LCA) has just confirmed that it pulled all foie gras from restaurant menus following an appeal from PETA.

LCA’s kind policy is perfectly in step with the rising tide of consumers who are taking a firm stand against foie gras and brings it in line with a long list of other British institutions that have removed the product known as “torture in a tin” from their menus. The British Academy of Film and Television Arts, the BRIT Awards, Wimbledon, Lord’s Cricket Ground, the Royal Shakespeare Company and both Houses of Parliament have all pledged not to serve or sell foie gras, and Prince Charles has confirmed to us that he refuses to allow it on Royal menus.

During foie gras production, ducks and geese are force-fed several times a day for weeks until their livers become diseased and swell to up to 10 times their normal size, a process so inhumane that it is illegal in the UK, so British businesses shouldn’t be selling or serving it.

PETA is calling on all businesses still profiting from the abuse of birds to get with the times and remove this cruelly produced item from their menus.

If you spot a restaurant, hotel or shop that still sells foie gras, please send the business a polite e-mail asking its owners to stop supporting cruelty. Do let us know when you’ve contacted a company – we’d love to hear how you get on!

And you can take action to help us get vile foie gras off British shelves:

The post Foie Gras Victory! London City Airport Is Now Officially Foie Gras–Free appeared first on PETA UK.