Foston Update: Positive Step as Environment Agency Rejects Application

Earlier this week, the Environment Agency rejected an application from Midland Pig Producers regarding their proposed intensive, US-style factory farm in Foston, Derbyshire. The agency said it would “offend human senses”.

For years now, our supporters have been speaking out against the plans for this factory farm, as it would offend animal senses, too! The proposed factory farm would imprison up to 25,000 pigs at a time and send 1,000 pigs a week to slaughter.

© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals

Pigs are not commodities: they are intelligent, sentient animals with distinct personalities. The proposed factory farm would subject them to horrific cruelty in many ways, including confinement in crowded conditions for their entire short lives, mutilations such as tail-docking and a terrifying journey to the abattoir when they’re less than a year old.

We’re still waiting for Derbyshire County Council to reject this ill-advised application that would cause immense suffering. The Environment Agency’s decision will hopefully influence them heavily to do the right thing.

Please, add your voice at this crucial moment and join thousands of other compassionate PETA supporters who have spoken out against the cruel plans:

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Photo: © Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals