German Asparagus Potato Salad

Asparagus and Potatoes are a favorite and very tasty combination. This is a sweet salty type potato salad. It’s easy to make and tastes great no matter which asparagus you use.

German Asparagus Potato Salad

Serving Size: 4


1 ¼ lb. potatoes, cooked, peeled and in bite sized pieces
1 lb. asparagus
1 cup vegetable bouillon
1 onion, peeled and finely chopped
4 tablespoons white wine vinegar
1 tablespoon mild mustard
2 teaspoons sugar
salt and pepper to taste
1 bunch chives, finely chopped
parsley, finely chopped
½ cup soft vegan cheese to dollop as garnish and for flavor

Potato salad with asparagus and a soy yogurt dressing.


Cook the potatoes al dente.
Allow them to cool, then peel and cut into bite sized chunks.
Put the potato pieces in a large bowl.
If using white asparagus, cut off the thick woody end, and peel using a vegetable peeler. If you have green asparagus, all you need to do is wash and cut off the woody end.
Slice the asparagus in 1 – 1½ inch pieces.
Bring a pot of lightly salted water to boil.
Place the asparagus pieces in the water to cook.
Cook the asparagus al dente. Check for “doneness” by piercing with a fork.
When the asparagus are done, remove from the water and plunge into a bowl of icy water to stop the cooking process.
Chop the onion and place in a small saucepan.
Add the vegetable bouillon and bring to a boil.
Cook until the onion is soft – just a few minutes.
Add the vinegar, sugar and mustard to the onion bouillon, thus making a vinaigrette sauce.
Season to taste with salt and pepper
Pour the sauce over the potatoes and asparagus and gently mix.
Allow the salad to marinate for at least ½ hour.
Shortly before serving, chop the herbs and add to the salad.
Serve the salad in a large serving bowl.
Garnish with dollops of soft vegan cheese and a few more herbs sprinkled on top.
