Good News From New Zealand – Ban on Animal Testing for Cosmetics a Step Closer!

Baby rabbit in grassNew Zealand is a step closer to banning tests on animals. The ban is not final yet but soon animals will never have chemicals dripped into their eyes or forced down their throats for the sake of mascara or shampoo. The government have decided to listen to the voices of animal-protection groups and the will of the public by banning all animal testing for cosmetics products and their ingredients.

The ban will come in the form of an amendment to New Zealand’s Animal Welfare Amendment Bill. As Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy says, “this amendment will send an important message that this kind of testing is unacceptable to New Zealanders and will never happen here”.

This is a long overdue step forward! It will ensure that rabbits, mice and other animals are spared painful and frightening tests in the country, and it will bring New Zealand in line with the European Union, India and Israel.

PETA and our international affiliates are doing everything we can to persuade other countries such as China and the US to put in place their own bans against these abhorrent tests. We’re also working to stop animal testing for cosmetics ingredients in the EU – despite the 2013 ban – through the questionable impact of the world’s largest chemical testing programme, the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals. Please join us in taking action.


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