Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co: save a life with your morning brew!


Grounds & Hounds sent me a few bags of their coffee to try and I declare: it’s good coffee! Better still: it’s good coffee that saves doggies! Since my best friend Alexander and his wife Nicole are both very discerning coffee drinkers AND rescue dog lovers (that’s their rescue pup the amazing Charlie!!), I had them try the coffee too. They ground it and made espresso. Nicole was particularly pleased with how fresh the coffee tasted. Can’t beat fresh grounds! She said it could def replace their usual brand—even if it didn’t save dogs! But all the better that it does, amirite?!

Don’t worry, Charlie did NOT have any! He wasn’t really into it…


But then I was like, Charlie, my man! Don’t you know this coffee saves doggies like you?! I even read him the site:

Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co. was born out of our passion to give back to the animals who selflessly provide us with so much happiness. 20{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} of all proceeds received by Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co. will be donated to our rescue partner located closest to you. We strive to support the hard-working rescue organizations in your community with funds generated by your purchase, which will help give our sheltered
friends the second-chance that they deserve.

I think he came around. But he still didn’t get any DON’T WORRY. No coffee for puppies!

You’ll be happy to know Grounds & Hounds coffee is also 100{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} Fair Trade and Organic certified. An all-around great product! You can buy some for yourself on their site. I recommend the Morning Walk Breakfast Blend!