Happy Birthday, Paul McCartney!

PETA Paul McCartney Birthday Celebration

At 72 years old and still a living legend, music icon, vegetarian and PETA supporter Paul McCartney is celebrating his birthday today. To mark the occasion and to thank Paul for being such a good friend to animals, “look-alikes” wearing masks gathered outside Liverpool’s famous Cavern Club (where The Beatles played their first gig) to hand out veggie sausages and copies of Paul’s hard-hitting PETA video “Glass Walls”.

Paul McCartney vegetarian LIverpool flashmob

As a vegetarian, Paul puts the famed 1960s principles of peace and love into practice every time he eats, saving animals from immense suffering on factory farms, in abattoirs and on the decks of fishing boats. As he puts it:

“When I see bacon, I see a pig, I see a little friend, and that’s why I can’t eat it. Simple as that”.

Paul’s convictions about his diet have inspired many others to follow in his footsteps. If you haven’t yet seen the life-changing video “Glass Walls”, which he narrates, here it is in full: