Hi my friends! Time to look inside last month’s Vegan Cuts…

Hi my friends! Time to look inside last month’s Vegan Cuts Beauty Box!

Well there was the cutest bug spray stuff, Bug-a-Boo. It says it’s a non-toxic alternative to those scary bug sprays and it smells like rosemary! Count me in! I know it’s not very vegan of me to say but I HATE bugs. They haunt me in my dreams. Oy vey. 

There was also a nice lipgloss from Emani, organic sunblock, and Peta Fresh organics scale treatment conditioner. But the hot item in the office was the Mermaid Sea Salt hair spray from Captain Blankenship

See you next month!

I got this for free but if you want to try it, the box subscription is $19.95 a month, shipping included (for US addresses. International is more).