Luis Suarez: Biting His Way To Equality

By chomping into the shoulder of Italian defender Giorgio Chiellini, Luis Suarez has in one moment bit into speciesism.
For years humans have been biting into the shoulders of cows, sheep, and other nonhumans without their consent, while shunning the taste of their own species – the one species who can give consent.
Suarez, hungry during Uruguay’s World Cup match against Italy, looked no further than an opposition player for a feed. And the bitten Chiellini walked away with nothing more than some teeth marks and a chunk of skin missing. This was not cannibalism, just snacking.
Yes, Suarez?should have asked for consent before leaning in for a human meal, but in front of millions of worldwide viewers, he has demonstrated the simple fact that everyone and every species is meat. You can either choose to eat all or none.