Mogwai’s Stuart Braithwaite: Animals Will Never Die for My Dinner

Stuart Braithwaite‘s mum once told him that pigs cry when they know they’re going to die – and that image has stayed with him ever since. It’s not surprising, then, that the Mogwai guitarist is a committed vegetarian who decided not to support the industry that makes pigs and other animals cry out in pain, bleed and die.

In an exclusive interview, he discusses his reasons for choosing a more compassionate diet:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACult Scottish post-rock band Mogwai was formed in Glasgow – a city that now has so many vegan options that we named it the most vegan-friendly city in the UK last year! As Stuart notes, these days, wherever you are in the world, it’s getting easier and easier to find delicious meat-free meals, as millions of people make the switch to a plant-based diet.

Study after study has shown that giving up meat doesn’t just stop the killing of animals to satisfy your appetite – it’s also the best choice that you can make for your health. Eating processed meats has been linked to life-threatening illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Vegetarians and vegans, on the other hand, are typically fitter and healthier and also live longer!

If you’re not sure where to start, we’re here to help: