More Than Your Average Oatmeal – it’s OATRageous!

Growing up I hated oatmeal. There, I said it. It’s a hard thing to admit, oatmeal being such a healthy food that you should eat EVERY day, and all.

As I got older, I started to realize that while overly mushy quick oats with brown sugar just were not my cup of tea, I COULD like oatmeal if I made it right. These days I like my oatmeal piled high with crunchy apple slices, raisins, cinnamon, hemp hearts, ground flax and almond milk. But I have to admit, though I love to cook, that’s about as adventurous as I get with oats in the breakfast department. Skip all the main meals of the day, and there comes another use for oats – dessert! Pictures of apple-berry crumbles and Scotch Teas come to mind…but then my imagination falters. Or it used to.