New record by London Chef for Vegan Catering?

RushPRNews: London Chef Sets New Standards for Vegan Catering

Lloyd Hesom at the Selsdon Park Hotel has become Lush Handmade Cosmetics chef of the year after delighting 300 Lush employees for 3 days with a 100{d40e1b40433db95421a8b5aadd100e7f694441d0272a9a10d9a0152d7f29a731} vegan menu. There was even a full vegan cheeseboard.

Chef’s interested in following in Lloyd’s and pulling their socks up to face any challenge and pleasing everybody rather than just the apathetic and unadventourous should visit London Vegfest at Olympia on the5th and 6th October.

Lloyd agrees with Lush’s Mark Constantine and says? “If you can please vegans you can please anyone!”

OK, so I admit,? I helped a bit………….More Vegan and Vegetarian News at Vegan News
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