NYC: Cocktails & Cow Tales is June 7th!!


Hey party people! Come celebrate with Catskill Animal Sanctuary at Cocktails and Cow Tales! You get to eat delicious vegan food and raise money to help all their beautiful animals at the sanctuary!:

Pick up a new T-shirt, sponsor a rescued animal, enjoy a cocktail or two, and enjoy a very special vegan menu created by Chef Jay Astafa!

If you can’t attend the party, you can still donate to help the rescued animals.

It’s June 7th, 6:00 pm –8:30 pm, at Home Studios (873 Broadway, Manhattan). Tickets are $125 ($100 is tax-deductible). Get your tickets here!

If you weren’t sure that Catskills Animal Sanctuary does wonderful work, here’s the story of a recent rescue, a calf named Lil’ Guy:


Lil’ Guy was born on a beef farm. He didn’t nurse enough so he became very weak. The farmer bottle-fed him (???? thought he wanted to eat him???) but as he recovered, they realized he had developed a problem with his hind legs. His condition got worse, but instead of euthanizing him,  the farmer got in touch with CAS and they took him in. They didn’t know if they could help him, but they wanted to at least make his final day happy. But Lil’ Guy was determined to survive! So CAS has been rehabbing him and giving him all kinds of leg massages. And yesterday was his big day! I haven’t heard how it went but yesterday he was scheduled to go meet the Underfoots! Here’s what CAS posted on Tuesday:

BIG DAY FOR LIL’ GUY TOMORROW! He joins the troublemakers–the free-ranging “Underfoot Family”–to go anywhere his 3 good legs can take him. We’ll post a video, along with (as soon as we have a confirmed date), news about his trip to Tufts Veterinary School for diagnostic x-rays and nerve tests which will help us determine what course of action is in his interest. We love you, Lil’ Guy, and we’re in your corner.

I can’t wait to see how he likes his new friends! They sound like real rascals. 

So go to the fundraiser and help more animals like Lil’ Guy! And if you can’t make it, you can still donate to their care here

We’re rooting for you Lil’ Guy!