Parliament Goes Vegan for World Vegan Month

Parliament vegan loyaltyNovember is World Vegan Month, and Parliament is marking the occasion by making it easy for MPs and Westminster staff to go vegan.

There are a number of restaurants in the House of Commons, and they’ll be promoting vegan options throughout the month with a Vegan Loyalty Card, offering each diner’s 10th vegan meal for free.

Kerry McCarthy MP said the following:

I’m really glad that the efforts of the three vegan MPs to raise awareness of veganism amongst the catering authorities at Parliament have paid off. This has partly been about self-interest – so we can eat! – but also about showing people that vegan food can be healthy and delicious, and gently persuading them to give it a try. There are compelling ethical, environmental and health reasons for going vegan, but many people feel it’s a step too far. I hope that vegan month in Parliament will persuade them it give it a try.

A vegan lifestyle isn’t just taking off among UK politicians, such as McCarthy, Cathy Jamieson MP and Chris Williamson MP. In the US, former President Bill Clinton, former Vice President Al Gore and former US Rep Dennis Kucinich have all made the switch to a plant-based diet for health, environmental or ethical reasons.

Join them for World Vegan Month. End your support of cruelty to animals, get healthy, help the environment and join hundreds of thousands of compassionate people by going vegan for 30 days: