Paul Shapiro’s Animal News You Can Use: having a pool pawty this weekend?

Have you ever wondered why there’s so much feces on chicken meat? Well, wonder no longer, as I discuss the issue in a Modesto Bee op-ed this week.

Speaking of California chickens, the long-awaited implementation of California’s landmark Prop 2 is just a few months away. You can watch a good news segment this week profiling one egg producer who is eliminating cage confinement from his operation to comply with the law.

The Worldwatch Institute put out a new report this week basically saying the planet’s cooked if we don’t cut meat consumption. And at least in Cleveland, Ohio, city officials are getting the message. They passed an HSUS-supported resolution this week urging residents to eat less meat and more plants.

And related to such an effort, today’s New York Times published a letter from HSUS CEO Wayne Pacelle about the trend away from the most abusive factory farming practices and toward plant-based eating.

Video of the week: It’s hot out! Why not have a pool pawty?