Paul Shapiro’s Animal News You Can Use! Now with more Neil deGrasse Tyson!


Ready for some irony? Two battery egg producers were sentenced this week to sit in a jail cell for three months, though probably with enough room to spread their arms. (And the nation’s largest egg producer settled a major lawsuit with the EPA this week over water pollution.)

Speaking of lawsuits, HSUS and partners  filed a case this week challenging the EPA’s exemption of factory farms from certain reporting requirements.

You can listen to my first of two appearances on Neil deGrasse Tyson’s  StarTalk Radio this week (final 18 minutes), and if for some reason you’d enjoy hearing me talk about  how much feces is on chicken, check out the final half of this Thom Hartmann show.

Finally, Village News has a  great feature this week on HSUS’s work to help hospitals reduce meat use.

Videos of the week: In yet another sign of how mainstream the plant-based message is now, MSNBC just put out a new online short video about vegan eating. Think it’s limited to left-leaning outlets like MSNBC? Check out my HSUS coworker Eddie Garza on a FOX morning show this week discussing the issue!