Paul Shapiro’s Animal News You Can Use: They’re Too Scared

The NY Times kicked the week off with a hard-hitting, above-the-fold cover story exposing truly depraved meat industry experiments the USDA is conducting—with taxpayer dollars—on farm animals. You can read Wayne Pacelle’s blog on it, sign our action alert, and read Wayne’s letter in today’s NY Times responding to the story.

While the Times was exposing the abuse of farm animals, the first ag-gag bill hearing of the year took place in Washington state this week. There was such overwhelming opposition to the bill that even the ag groups didn’t testify for it, which the bill’s primary sponsor whined was due to them being too “scared.” In fact, opposition has been so strong, one of the bill’s sponsors removed his support for the bill.

Video of the week: I wish my cats could do this.

Cartoon of the week: Thesaurus.