Paulie Gee: Brooklyn’s Vegan Pizza God


If you live in Brooklyn, or even just visited, and you’ve never been to Paulie Gee’s…you sir have done yourself a disservice! This is an omni restaurant, but Paulie Gee has made sure there is an extensive vegan menu and it’s all DELICIOUS. When Laura visited in September, YOU KNOW I made her go there (pro tip: show up as soon as they open to avoid a two hour wait). We got this very pizza you see above: The In Ricotta Da Vegan (as well as every other veeg pizza on the menu, naturally). It’s my fave. It has THE BEST homemade vegan ricotta–which is hard to find–and yummy vegan sausage too. It’s just the best. That’s why I was so excited to see this video from Lost Vegetarian:

Lost Veg caught up with Paulie Gee and watched as the master worked! As you can see, the pizza isn’t just great, Paulie Gee is great. He’s the nicest. He almost always comes to your table to say hi! And he totally recognizes me when I go even though I only go like once a year. I don’t know how he does it–except that the genius behind this awesome veeg ricotta has got to be magic!

So if you haven’t been, get on that! You are a human! You deserve to LIVE! 


PS: there’s even a vegan dessert pizza! Marmalade with vegan ricotta!!!