PETA Asks Pope to Celebrate a Cruelty-Free Christmas

A group of PETA supporters dropped by the Vatican today with a unique Christmas gift for His Holiness Pope Francis I: a basket containing a delicious vegan ham, along with a letter asking him to send a message of peace and mercy by celebrating a vegan Christmas this year.

We can’t think of a better way to celebrate Jesus’ birth and hope for all creation than with a meal that no one had to suffer and die for. By celebrating a cruelty-free Christmas, His Holiness can send a loving message to Christ’s followers around the world about our role as faithful and merciful stewards of God’s creatures.

After delivering the basket, the PETA supporters headed to St. Peter’s Square, where they distributed free faux-ham sandwiches to the gathered holiday crowds.

To find out how to celebrate the holidays while leaving animals off your plate, order a free vegan starter kit and check out our guide for how to have a vegan Christmas feast with all the trimmings!