PETA Offers £5,000 Reward to Help Catch ‘Cat Ripper of Croydon’

In early December 2015, PETA offered £2,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for killing and dismembering cats in Croydon and West Norwood. With the twisted individual apparently still on the loose as the killing spree continues – authorities suspect two puppies and a rabbit fell victim to the same perpetrator – we’re now increasing the reward to £5,000.

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According to reports, at least seven cats in the area have been found dead in recent months, having been either disembowelled or decapitated. Other people in the area have reported that cats have returned home with stab wounds. Locals fear that the perpetrator may have killed as many as 32 cats over the last two years and that more deaths are imminent.

It’s imperative that any community faced with such sadistic and violent acts take measures to find the culprit and bring him or her to justice. Animal abusers are a danger to everyone: they take out their issues on humans and non-humans alike and must be caught before they act again. History shows that past incidents involving cruelty to animals regularly appear in the records of serial rapists and murderers.

You Can Help

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  • Anyone with information about this case is encouraged to contact the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999.
  • Please keep a watchful eye on your animal companions and keep them indoors. Because animals cannot report being abused and can do little to fight back, violent people sometimes use them as “practice” victims.
  • If you find an animal who has been attacked, as well as contacting the police, please also get in touch with SNARL (South Norwood Animal Rescue and Liberty) who will facilitate evidence collection and liaise with the police. Phone number: 07957 830490.
  • If you live in Croydon or West Norwood, please consider printing our reward poster and displaying it anywhere you have permission. And please share widely online:

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