Product Review: Brooklyn-Based CocoBurg Coconut Jerky Totally Rules!


The vegan jerky market has always fascinated me. I never really missed jerky when I went veg, but even as a casual fan, I can still see the appeal of dehydrated savory hunks of whatnot! 

Until sampling Brooklyn-based CocoBurg’s new line of outrageously delicious Coconut Jerky, I’d only ever tried seitan- or textured soy protein-based jerky. CocoBurg’s line is really different and way better—enough to tempt even casual jerky enthusiasts into raging fandom. It’s actually the world’s first coconut jerky, and the product of a successful Kickstarter campaignimageCocoBurg takes fleshy coconut meat dripping off young thai coconuts, smothers it in yummy spices, and dehydrates the meat until it became the most pleasant chewy texture imaginable. Marketed as the “raw, vegan, soy-free, gluten-free, and paleo” alternatives to other fake meats on the market, for sure, this is about the most minimally processed ersatz meat you can find!


My favorite flavor, hands-down, is the Ginger-Terriyaki, but the Original is also amazing. I just love that I can chew for such a long time while the marinated flavors ooze and rehydrate in real-time! I’m so-so on the Chili Lime, as it’s a tad too spicy for my taste, but if you’re into that, you may find it a dream come true. 

Besides being outrageously delicious, CocoBurg Coconut Jerky is also pretty healthful, which is a great bonus! You can buy CocoBurg Coconut Jerky online and at select healthfood stores nationwide.