SF Bay Area! There are so many new amazing veg restaurants!

We’re certainly not lacking in the Bay Area when it comes to good eats, and it’s exciting to see more restaurants join the pack each year. Recently we’ve gotten an influx of great new vegan restaurants, have you gotten a chance to try them out yet? Let us know! 

1. Seed + Salt 
Location: 2240 Chestnut Street.
According to SF Eater, in addition to being all vegan, Seed + Salt is also entirely gluten-free and devoid of refined sugar, trans fats, and GMOs. Their website is gorgeous and we’ve heard the storefront lives up to the hype as well. Beet burger and a seasonal smoothie anyone? 

2. Indochine Vegan Cuisine

photo cred: Yelp
Location: 508 Valencia
Opened next to the recently closed Sunflower on Valencia, Indochine offers affordable and delicious rolls, entrees, and desserts. Stop by and check out the new digs and grab some of the sizzling plates you’ve been missing. 

3. Golden Era

With a new location on 395 Golden Gate Avenue, Golden Era is baaAaAAck! The menu is huge and features Aulacese, Chinese, Indian, and Thai flavors.

4. Special Mention: Soon to be opened Citizen Fox!
Location: 2205 Mission St.
In addition to delicious food, Citizen Fox will also feature on on-site brewery and craft cocktail bar. If you can’t wait until 2015 to try out their food, follow them on Facebook to find out when their next pop-up dinner takes place!

[Ed.: bonus: Veg388 in Oakland! In their own words: “Veg 388 is a 5 night a week popup restaurant at Kitchen 388 in Oakland, CA that features inventive and inspired vegan and vegetarian cuisine. We place a strong emphasis on utilizing local and organic ingredients, and employ both traditional and modern techniques to elevate the umami and freshness of plant-based cuisine.” And everyone who I know who has eaten there says it’s RIDICULOUS. Please eat everything and report back thank you! – Laura]

Are you hungry yet?! Grab some friends this weekend and head out to support theses amazing restaurants. Blog about it, yelp it, share it on Facebook and make sure these epicenters of vegan deliciousness have a permanent place in SF. Happy eating! 

This guest post has been brought to you by Alexis Croswell! Alexis is a California transplant (via Michigan) who always has a vegan project on the plate that is her life. She has a passion for writing, activism, animals, and spontaneous cooking.