Siddy Bennett: Go Vegan and Find Inner Peace

Siddy Bennett, lead singer of the up-and-coming indie-folk band Wildflowers, recently popped in for a chat with PETA about all things vegan.

The Londoner and long-time vegetarian made the decision to ditch eggs and dairy products and go vegan a little more than a year ago, when her band was just getting started and she moved back in with her vegan mum, who refused to allow animal products in her home. This situation really got Siddy to think about how cows used by the dairy industry and hens used for their eggs suffer on factory farms, as did a memorable Chrissie Hynde performance of “I’ll Stand by You” for PETA, which spoke to Siddy’s love of both music and animals. She knew then that she had to make the change.

It’s clear that veganism is suiting Siddy, who stresses the benefits it has had for her health and is thrilled with the improvements in her skin and complexion. Even so, the shift in her perspective and outlook, she says, has had a much more profound impact: “I feel relaxed in my head knowing that I’m not eating something that’s come from a bad place or been damaged or hurt”.

Inner peace, improved health and great skin are just some of the positive benefits of choosing a vegan diet and lifestyle. But it’s also about caring for our planet and treating it with respect. Animal agriculture is a leading cause of greenhouse-gas emissions and a scourge on our land, rivers and oceans. When you choose not to buy into this environmental mass destruction, we all win!

And most importantly, we have to remember those who have no choice – animals. They don’t get a say about being subjected to an endless cycle of confinement, cruelty and deprivation in the meat, egg and dairy industries, which lasts from the second when they are born until the day when they are sent to a terrifying and horrific death at an abattoir.

The good news in all this is that it’s extremely easy to adopt a compassionate diet. Veganism can suit any lifestyle, schedule or budget, and there are thousands of delicious vegan ingredients and easy-to-prepare vegan recipes out there for even the most basic of cooks. Siddy is a huge fan of plant-based cheeses, dark chocolate with dates, smoked tofu and falafel wraps. With new vegetarian and vegan restaurants opening all the time and more and more popular chains introducing vegan options, it’s never been easier to go vegan.

Why not take the pledge and switch to a vegan diet for 30 days to see how terrific you can feel!